Are these vintage slogans for candy bars or something else?

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The catchiest advertising slogans still stick in our heads today, but after all this time, do you think it's possible you might have mixed up which words go to which products?

We bet chocolate lovers never could.

Here's a bunch of candy slogans mixed up with tags for other products that also became famous. See if you can stick to the candy aisle every time. Good luck!
  1. “Give me a break”
  2. “Good to the last drop”
  3. “Mmm mmm good"
  4. “Really satisfies”
  5. “Get the sensation”
  6. “It’s the real thing”
  7. “A taste so good, it speaks for itself.”
  8. “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing"
  9. “Betcha can’t eat just one”
  10. “You deserve a break today”
  11. “The surprise is what’s inside”
  12. “Always in good taste.”

Are these vintage slogans for candy bars or something else?

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Coldnorth 9 months ago
11/12 my finger slipped on one of the questions
rubyslippers1234 10 months ago
12/12. I’m astonished. Several guesses…
Flash4001 10 months ago
"You Deserve A Break" was also briefly Kit Kat untill McD stepped up and had them remove it
WordsmithWorks 10 months ago
11/12. I don't really think of a York Peppermint Patty as a candy bar.
jimmyvici 10 months ago
5/12…yikes! That was a disaster 😬
HowardSpague 10 months ago
9/12 guess I should stick to bowling…
Ready2go 10 months ago
8/12, I thougth #4 was a cigarette commercial !
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