Are you an old soul or kid at heart?

It's the finer things in life vs. maximum fun.

Some folks feel young forever. Others are born with an old soul. It takes both kinds to make the world go 'round, so which one are you?

Today's the day to find out. Answer five short questions below that tell us more than you might think about the way your imagination works, and we'll reveal if you're more of an old soul or kid at heart.

Do you agree with your result? Tell us in the comments!
  1. Let's start at the beginning of your day. What do you usually want for breakfast?
  2. All right, let's watch some cartoons. Pick the classic cartoon below that you like best:
  3. Oh no, you got bored. Pick something to do to amuse yourself:
  4. The 1980s gave us a ton of great jams. Pick a song below from the 1980s that you like best:
  5. Last question. The 1960s was possibly the most imaginative period in TV history. Pick the TV show you like best from the 1960s:

Are you an old soul or kid at heart?

Your Result...

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Amalthea 20 months ago
I got "Kid at Heart", which is wildly appropriate, considering I just finished watching "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear", on DVD, by myself.
Miss_Kitty 22 months ago
Are you an old soul or kid at heart?
You got Old Soul.
Wonderful! You maintain a deeper appreciation for the finer things in life, and you probably always have.
Yup, I'm old.

EllisClevenger 51 months ago
You got Old Soul.
Wonderful! You maintain a deeper appreciation for the finer things in life, and you probably always have.
idkwut2use 54 months ago
Got kid at heart—and somehow I’be always been both simultaneously.
BrianMoore 54 months ago
I'm an old soul. Have been since birth.
TexasGreek 59 months ago
You got Kid at Heart.
Cool! You're pretty much the poster child for young at heart.
Runeshaper 64 months ago
You got Kid at Heart.
Cool! You're pretty much the poster child for young at heart.

Yes, yes I am! :)
WILD 68 months ago
You got Kid at Heart.
Cool! You're pretty much the poster child for young at heart. Too many cartoons there tha I like, so I had to choose a favorite (not easy), music-wise I chose Joan Jett over Queen because of the songs represented in the pictures, as for Breakfast I eat once a day around 1pm and I eat what many people would consider to be dinner, as for the bored question, I would watch TV and if nothing is on I like (often), then I'll put on a DVD or a Blu-ray (example: last night I watched The Sting).
Amalthea WILD 54 months ago
I'm with you on the cartoons. For the song, I only knew that I WASN'T going to choose "Eye of the Tiger" (I'm not a Survivor fan). The bored one is a trick question: I like to read WHILE listening to albums! Since we have "breakfast for dinner" often, I went for what is to me the only true breakfast food: cereal (I also can't drink coffee in the AM; it makes me sleepy).
Amalthea Amalthea 54 months ago
Oh, and I also got Kid at Heart.
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