Can you answer these real Jeopardy! questions about The Three Stooges?

Make sure you're "soiten" before picking the correct answer.

Compared to most game shows, Jeopardy! serves up some rather academic questions. Categories dive into subjects like English poetry, world history and classical music. Meanwhile, host Alex Trebek loves demonstrating his pronunciation of foreign tongues. He really leans into those accents. 

But every once in a while, Trebek has been known to toss in a "Soitenly!" or "Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!" Because, yes, the highbrow Jeopardy! is not above lowbrow comedy. 

The long-running show has twice dedicated categories to The Three Stooges, in 2000 and 2002. The trio has popped up in load of other categories, too. 

We've selected some of our favorite questions related to The Three Stooges. See if you can answer them. Pay attention to the categories!

The Three Stooges® is a registered trademark of C3 Entertainment, Inc. ©2019 C3 Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  1. Name That Stooge for $100
  2. "Stick"s & "Stone"s for $200
  3. The Three Stooges for $200
  4. Lesser Known Dwarf"s" for $200
  5. The Three Stooges for $400
  6. Name That Stooge for $500
  7. Bruce Willis for $600
  8. The Three Stooges for $600
  9. Shakespearean Comedies for $600
  10. The Three Stooges for $800
  11. The Three Stooges for $1,000
  12. Con-Centration for $1,000
  13. "M"-Brace Me for $1,600

Can you answer these real Jeopardy! questions about The Three Stooges?

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 2 months ago
13/13. Did better than I figured I would.
braycy 7 months ago
I went to a stooge fest in Pittsburgh on a date. The amateurs that got up on stage were funnier than the show. Will never forget!
Tresix 12 months ago
13/13. Should I be proud of this achievement or is this a sign of misspent youth?
SRN 23 months ago
The answers are supposed to be in the form of questions.
Therefore, they're all wrong!
EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Indubitably! You know The Three Stooges! If only all of Jeopardy! could be that easy.
EllisClevenger 51 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Indubitably! You know The Three Stooges! If only all of Jeopardy! could be that easy
ukwildcatfan4lyfe 57 months ago
12/13. Not bad. I've loved the Stooges for 60+ years.
Craigg 63 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Indubitably! You know The Three Stooges! If only all of Jeopardy! could be that easy.
CarrieMcCourt 66 months ago
12/13 Dang it!!!! Missed the last one
Runeshaper 67 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Indubitably! You know The Three Stooges! If only all of Jeopardy! could be that easy.

Love this show! So many memories + laughs as a kid and I still watch them :)
TVJunkie 70 months ago
I am an imbezzle, I missed #'s 1 and 6.
MichaelNivens 70 months ago
Easy Peasy If you are a big Three Stooges fan. Man , I grew up watching the Stooges before I left for school and when I returned home from school
AlF 70 months ago
13 for 13! Love me some stooges!
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