Can you find the first sitcom where the stars sang the theme song?

Put famous faces to a truly historical theme song.

In the 1960s, sitcoms ditched the instrumentals that introduced us to characters like Lucy and Beaver in favor of catchy tunes. Some of which actually climbed up the BIllboard charts. But today's question looks at a very specific trend in TV history: Do you know which shows featured its stars singing the theme song?

More importantly, do you know who did it first?

See if you can pick out the groundbreaking sitcom that snagged its own stars to sing its catchy theme out of this list of potential contenders below. Consider which shows debuted first and sing the song in your head if it helps! Good luck!
  1. Find the sitcom below that was the first to feature its stars singing its theme song:

Can you find the first sitcom where the stars sang the theme song?

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CaroleThorpe 35 months ago
Technically, only ONE of the four Monkees ever sang on their theme song (mone of them played instruments) and that was Micky Dolenz. How many of a "leading cast" would have to participate to qualify?
KathyMcKinny CaroleThorpe 27 months ago
uhhh.....Davy Jones??? He sang on ALL of the songs, he was the LEAD singer for cryin' out loud
EllisClevenger 67 months ago
You got the right theme song!
You know exactly the place to be to find TV's first theme song sung by a show's stars!
Lacey 71 months ago
Wow, missed this one though it came down to Green Acres, Monkees or Doris Day. I could not remember who came first.
Yellowberry 71 months ago
Songs to sitcom's are a rarity these days , although he didn't star in the series, I think the best singer to a TV show was Sammy Davis Jr singing the song to Beretta
Misha 71 months ago
Why isn't it Mr. Ed? 1958. He sings the last line.
Because it's Green Acres. Mr. Ed was never on the air in 1958. It debuted in syndication on: January 5, 1961, and ran in syndication until July 2, 1961. CBS picked up Mr. Ed and premiered the show on October 1, 1961, where it stayed and aired until its cancellation on February 6, 1966.
"Because it's Green Acres. Mr. Ed was never on the air in 1958."
Neither was Green Acres. It premiered in 1965. What does 1958 have to do with it?
Mr. Ed did not sing the last line. Allan Lane did.
Lacey Misha 71 months ago
I almost thought that though he does not "sing" the theme song, he just says the last line.
A case COULD be made, however.
cmurf1960 Misha 42 months ago
They meant that the whole song had to be sung by stars of the show, not just one line. I was torn between Green Acres and the Monkees (I knew Doris Day was later in the 60s). Green Acres was a year before the Monkees,
stephaniestavropoulos 71 months ago
Could this quiz have been any easier?!?! What METV needed to do was throw a couple of ringers in the mix. By that I mean themes that either A. Had lyrics, but were not used, or B. Didn't have any lyrics at all. I think this might get people wondering if this is the right choice. {Then again, after typing this, I'm not sure this is such a good idea. Oh well....}
QUESTION: Which of these themes was not written expressly for the show? Who sang it? What's its title? Where can it originally be heard?
The answer is Doris Day, the song is Que Sara Sara [sorry if the spelling's wrong], and the movie is the second Man Who Knew Too Much! Fun Fact: She sang the theme for the Please Don't Eat The Daisies movie, but NOT the series! Quick rundown of which songs were sung by cast: Doris Day Yes, Monkees Yes, Green Acres Yes, Brady Bunch first season No, Yes later, Mr. Ed technically the last 4 words [I am Mr. Ed!], and "the rest" No!
PS Ted Cassidy did do the snaps, but most of the vocals were the chorus. His oral contribution: "Neat [Fester], Sweet [Grandmama], Petite {Lurch]!!
Lacey cperrynaples 71 months ago
While true, that was not even the theme song to the MOVIE. Also, Doris Day show was later than 1965.
The themes to both the Andy Griffith Show and Hogan's Heroes had lyrics that were never used on the show. And in both cases, the songs with the lyrics were recorded as performed by the stars of the respective shows. if you look on YouTube, you can find "Fishin' Hole" sung by Andy, as well as "Hogan's Heroes March" performed by Larry Hovis (Carter), Richard Dawson (Newkirk), Ivan Dixon (Kinchloe) and Robert Clary (LeBeau). Bob Crane (Hogan) did not perform on this record, but Hogan is mentioned in the song.
Also, the "I Love Lucy" theme song had words, but the instrumental was always used in the opening and closing. However, Desi Arnaz performed it as Ricky, singing to Lucy, while doing his nightclub show.
KathyMcKinny cmurf1960 27 months ago
yep, the song was her "present" in the show that showed her birthday party
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