Can you find the ONE celebrity who never appeared on Perry Mason?
You be the judge.

Perry Mason welcomed many celebrities to the stand, from the Sixties' biggest TV stars to up-and-coming movie stars who would dominate the big screen in the 1970s.
Are you the authority when it comes to every witness and suspect Perry Mason every questioned?
Try to spot the ONE celebrity who NEVER appeared in Perry Mason's courtroom. Good luck!

Spot the ONE celebrity who did NOT appear in an episode of Perry Mason:

Can you find the ONE celebrity who never appeared on Perry Mason?
Your Result...
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Got it on the first try. I remember all those other folks doing a Mason episode, but not Joker Jack.
I narrowed it down to two, + made the correct answer, but I cannot remember which episode Cloris Leavhman was on .
Picked Dick. Wrong
Dick's in the very last episode, "The Case of the Final Fade-Out". This is the episode in which Erle Stanley Gardner himself played the judge, and many of the crew members had cameos.
I remember seeing that episode not long ago. I don’t want to give away the ending, but it was a surprise.
Jack WAS going to be on, but Della didn't like his smartness and sarcasm.
He was asked to leave the building.
He was asked to leave the building.
I guessed Jack Nicholson on the 6th try.