Can you find the one show that does NOT have 100 episodes or more?
Which show never made it to triple digits?

In the TV industry, conventional wisdom states 100 episodes is the magic number that guarantees a show will sell into syndication and live long after it’s original run. It usually takes four or five seasons to hit triple digits, although that varies depending on the show — especially with classic television, where seasons could be over 40 episodes long!
Of course, in reality, things aren’t as simple. Some long-running shows don’t do well past their initial release and plenty of short-lived shows, like The Jetsons and The Addams Family, have become iconic.
Here are nine shows from the Sixties and Seventies that all have around 100 episodes. Can you find the one that doesn’t quite reach the benchmark? Keep guessing until you’ve found it!
Which show has LESS than 100 episodes?

Can you find the one show that does NOT have 100 episodes or more?
Your Result...
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I mean who goes on a 3-hour- tour and takes everything they own with them?! No one! 😵
Being a big Gilligan's Island fan, I should have done better on this. But then, I only knew that they had 3 seasons(because Russell Johnson talks about how they were counting on having that 4th season that never happened) but never thought about it in terms of how many episodes. All I knew for sure was that The Twilight Zone and The Brady Bunch must have had more than 100 episodes so I wasn't about to pick them.
Can we PLEASE see something else on Sunday afternoons?
How about The Rockford Files?
Or if you want comedy in that spot, how about The Golden Girls?
I'm speaking personally, but I'm sick to death of Gilligan right now; I'd rather clean my house than watch it another Sunday. And I HATE housework.
Gilligan is BORING, we've seen them all repeatedly.