Can you find the ONE song NOT recorded by the Monkees?

Are you a massive fan of The Monkees' music just as much as the show?

Dig through these deeper Monkees cuts and popular hits and see if you can spot the ONE song that was NOT recorded by the Monkees. Good luck!
  1. Pick the ONE song that was NOT recorded by The Monkees:

Can you find the ONE song NOT recorded by the Monkees?

Your Result...

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BonnieWebreGraham 66 months ago
I didn't know if some of the songs were Monkees songs or not, but I knew for sure that that one wasn't.
Nikola 66 months ago
Can you find the ONE song NOT recorded by the Monkees?
You got the right song!
You proved you will still love the Monkees tomorrow!

Will You Love Me Tomorrow
Correct! ''Will You Love Me Tomorrow'' was a hit recorded by the Shirelles
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You got the right song!
You proved you will still love the Monkees tomorrow!

1st try :)
stephaniestavropoulos 72 months ago
MONKEES on THE JOHNNY CASH SHOW on GET TV 3-24-19. {Been meaning to mention this for a # of days now.}
SheriHeffner 72 months ago
Tonight You're Mine Completely, Will You Love Me Tomorrow. I grew up listening to my parents music so I knew that one.
You're making me feel old. I used to listen to that when I was a teenager.
anthony 72 months ago
Carol King also recorded a slower version of"Will You Love Me Tomorrow" for her 1971 album"Tapestry",a great album that was on the Billboard charts for 313 weeks.Second only to Pink Floyds "Dark side of the Moon".
DSOTM stayed on the album chart for 741 weeks: 1973-1988. Song title: Will You STILL Love Me tomorrow?
Dark Side STILL appears on the classic album chart! 46 years and counting! Ever tried Wizard of Oz Sync? I know the scarecrow appears on "the lunatic is on the grass..."!
I don't like THE WIZARD OF OZ! One of the STUPIDEST movies ever made!!
JeffTanner 72 months ago
You got the right song! ----------You proved you will still love the Monkees tomorrow!
jamiahsh 72 months ago
That was the easiest “Can you pick the one...” quiz.
ndebrabant 72 months ago
You got the right song!
You proved you will still love the Monkees tomorrow!
cperrynaples 72 months ago
Found it in 2 seconds! Stephanie, you proably found it in one...LOL! Prove it by connecting THAT song to the Monkees!
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Yes he did The well known and {in}famous meeting with Mr. Golden Ear {DK.} Mike got mad enough, that he literally punched his hand into the wall!!
I take it that you have absolutely no desire to make an attempt at answering my questions, right? Does anybody want to take a stab at answering at them?
Well , they are very hard! You put more thought into your Monkees questions than I did for the theme songs, and I went pretty deep!
Ok., I guess {if I don't remember to do so, that is,} then I won't offer up any more questions, or perhaps I should try and not make them so tough? There are folks out there who love a challenge, I was just trying to give the public what it wants.
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