Play ''Hangman'' with classic TV catchphrases!

Fill in the blanks with TV's most quotable phrases!

Do you know just about every catchphrase that ever came from TV?

Here, we've turned some of the catchiest quotes from cherished classic TV and cartoon characters into a game of "Hangman." 

Consider each puzzle, then pick the ONE letter that would fit into these catchphrases. We'll immediately reveal the answer to each one as you go along. Good luck!
  1. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:
  2. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:
  3. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:
  4. Pick the letter to solve this classic cartoon catchphrase:
  5. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:
  6. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:
  7. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:
  8. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:
  9. Pick the letter to solve this classic cartoon catchphrase:
  10. Pick the letter to solve this classic TV catchphrase:

Play ''Hangman'' with classic TV catchphrases!

Your Result...

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EllisClevenger 72 months ago
You got 6 out of 10
Looks like you blanked one a thing or two back there.
I wish I could blank out the memory of this quiz.
VickieAdams 72 months ago
Awww! A bad day at the gallows? Is that why you said this was so stupid? You got more wrong than right?
UTZAAKE 72 months ago
10/10. #9 was the trickiest of the ten.
JeffTanner 72 months ago
You 4 out of 10 ----------Looks like you blanked on one thing or two back there.
Michael51202800 72 months ago
i did so bad! Didn't like the hangman. Too many other shows that words could work for.
MrsPhilHarris 72 months ago
7/10 I just gave up. Should have done it earlier. Too tired.
teire 72 months ago
7/10. Agree that the concept/rules could be better explained but I have no problem with them doing it that way. Just have a problem with coming up with the correct answers. Ouch goes my brain.
Michael51202800 teire 72 months ago
totally agree. it was not explained well
cperrynaples 72 months ago
7/10! 2 comments: As I said the last time, these answers don't solve the puzzle, they are just the letters that fit. Also, although Adam West may have say "to the Batmobile " a few times, he always said "to the Batpoles", which should have been 8!
cperrynaples cperrynaples 72 months ago
PS said not say
That is a highly logical statement. As far as I know, {seeing as I don't have any intimate knowledge of the inner workings of Stately Wayne Manor,} the only to get to the Batmobile, was via the Batpoles.
Well yeah the Batmobile was in the Batcave, but as you said they had to use the Batpoles to get there! Every time Bruce got the call from Gordon, he said "to the Batpoles"!
MrsPhilHarris cperrynaples 72 months ago
Didn't the say to the Batmobile when the were in the Bat Cave doing whatever they were doing in the Bat Cave.
cperrynaples MrsPhilHarris 72 months ago
Yeah, but they had to use the Batpoles to get to the Batcave! There was an elevator for Alfred due to his old age.
anthony cperrynaples 72 months ago
Yeah right,and they had to use the Batpoles in order for them to get to the Batcave as Dynamic Duo.If they took the elevator like Alfred they would still be Bruce and Dick.
cperrynaples anthony 72 months ago
Yes, and there was a device where the costumes would be deactivated so that Batman could remain Bruce! It even appeared in the movie!
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