Can you finish these random lines from Capt. Hawkeye Pierce?
There's no telling what Hawkeye could say next... Unless you know exactly what he's going to say next!
Hawkeye Pierce was a lot of things to the 4077th unit on M*A*S*H. He was an excellent surgeon, good friend and a hilarious person.
He's known for his quick one-liners and effortless comebacks, even to authority figures.
There was no telling what joke or wise-crack Hawkeye would say.
Take your best guess as to what Pierce was saying as you try to complete these lines from M*A*S*H.

Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "We could be in Helsinki training track stars and chasing _____women."
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "Thank you your honor _____"
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "That was a rare bird colonel. _____"
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
After Frank Burns tells Col. Potter "Pain is no stranger to me sir," Hawkeye responds "He's had _____ his whole life."
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "Don't bet on it. I'd be out of here so fast my _____ would have to catch the next plane!"
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
When speaking of Radar's bees, Hawkeye says, "They're finished... She's leaning back on one antenna _____."
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "Just what I need, _____ off of my fingers."
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "What's the war coming to? Remember when we first moved here? You could go to bed _____."
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "I prefer my way of staying in shape. I can bench press _____."
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Finish this line from Hawkeye Pierce: "The arm will be as good as new just as long as you don't try to catch anymore _____ with it."
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Can you finish these random lines from Capt. Hawkeye Pierce?
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