Can you guess if these visitors are on Gilligan’s Island or Lost in Space?

Danger, Will Robinson! (Or is it Gilligan?)

Gilligan's Island and Lost in Space were two of the 1960s' most whimsical shows. One found a group of castaways stranded on a desert island, the other a family wandering the whole universe. In both scenarios, pretty much anything could happen - and it did!

Even though there's a literal world of difference between these two shows, we think they share a lot of common ground.

Here, we've pulled random visitors we encountered on either Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space. Try not to get lost tracking down each one. Good luck!

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Sundays 2 & 2:30 PM

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  1. Is this man with a net seeking a certain creature on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  2. Is this gladiator looking for a fight on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  3. Did this showman appear on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  4. Is this doctor raising hairs on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  5. Is this admiral marching on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  6. Is this dictator calling the shots on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  7. Are these hippies on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  8. What about these hippies? Are they chilling on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  9. Is this glamorous beauty on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  10. Is this stylish woman on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  11. Did this beautiful blonde stumble onto Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  12. Is this circus ringleader on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  13. Did this man go searching for his feelings on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  14. Is this witch doctor on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?
  15. Last question. Are these astronauts on Gilligan's Island or Lost in Space?

Can you guess if these visitors are on Gilligan’s Island or Lost in Space?

Your Result...

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WILD 42 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
You rocked that one even more than The Mosquitoes could!.

The taller man in the picture for #8 is Daniel J. Travanti, who 20 years later would become "Famous" for playing Captain Frank Furillo on Hill Street Blues (1981–1987).
ttenchantr 42 months ago
15/15 Did anyone else notice Daniel J. Travanti in the picture for #8?
WILD ttenchantr 42 months ago
In the credits for that episode of LIS his last name was actually spelled "Travanty" .
ndebrabant 68 months ago

You got 15 out of 15
You rocked that one even more than The Mosquitoes could!
HiDMF2 71 months ago
15 out of 15
Too easy! Palm trees vs. rocks. haha
rycki1138 71 months ago
15 out of 15
You rocked that one even more than The Mosquitoes could!
MattAlbrecht 71 months ago
maybe it was the island palms in the background which gave it away?
Terrence 78 months ago
Missed Question #14.......................................14/15
EllisClevenger 78 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
You rocked that one even more than The Mosquitoes could!
It was easy. I was there to see everyone who came to the island. Nothing to do but greet the visitors.
Lacey 78 months ago
15/15 without breaking a sweat.
Which, unfortunately, says something about ME.
Greg 78 months ago
15/15 Haven't watched much LiS can't stand Smith character but I've seen every episode of Gilligans Island many times.
anthony 78 months ago
15/15.💃💃💃💃.I'm the man,I'm the man.I think my familuarity with lost in space help me more then .y familiarity with GI.
Barry22 78 months ago
15/15, I am not a "Gilligan" or a "Dr. Smith".
Sheri 78 months ago
I know my Gilligan's Islands from Lost In Space. 15 out of 15.
AndrewHass 78 months ago
I was 15/15 but on a couple i was a little worried.
MrsPhilHarris 78 months ago
14/15 missed the witch Doctor of all people.
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