Can you guess which TV show did it first?
From the first TV birth to the first TV death, these classic shows decided to boldly go there.

From the very first sitcom, TV writers have fought the good fight to cross boundaries and depict reality as we know it on the small screen.
This effort spans everything from the benign act of convincing execs to show a toilet on TV to the very first show to feature a married couple sharing a bed. These were edgy concepts in the early days of TV, but the boldest TV innovators didn't allow that to stand in their way.
Here, we've collected a fistful of famous TV firsts to see if you can guess which shows decided to boldly go where no other show had gone before. We've also sprinkled in some general TV trivia, too.
Only the most dedicated TV fans can score 8/10. Good luck!
Which classic sitcom featured the first TV birth?
Which classic sitcom featured the first major TV death?
In which year did the first commercial air on TV?
Which classic sitcom was famously the first to show a toilet on TV?
Which TV show was the first to show a belly button on TV?
Which TV Western was the first to kill off a character following the actual death of a main cast member?
Which '60s show aired the first kiss between black and white characters?
Which series creator was the first to have one of his shows start by showing a “mature themes” warning label?
In which year did we hear the first scripted curse word on TV?
Which early sitcom was the first to show a married couple sharing a bed?

Can you guess which TV show did it first?
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1999 was the year we heard the first scripted curse word on TV? Archie Bunker was cursing left and right when he made his 1971 debut. And just recently, I heard an early episode of The Big Valley crudely refer to Heath as an illegitimate son.