Can you guess which Western these military officers are on?

You may need to call in the cavalry for this quiz.


It would be hard to tell tales of the Old West without intertwining the U.S. Army into those stories. Even shows that chose words over weapons, like Maverick, had military episodes.

Here are a few times where soldiers and cavalrymen showed up in classic Westerns. Can you guess which series each one is from?

  1. Based on the other actors here, this military man is in...
  2. This soldier stands guard in...
  3. Can you guess which Western this military commander is in?
  4. Which Western is this Army camp from?
  5. These military riders are awaiting outside the ranch house from which show?
  6. These military men are from...
  7. This is a scene from...
  8. This commanding officer paid a visit in which show?
  9. Adam West guest starred as an Army Major in...
  10. This main character gets forced into short-term military service to help root out gun smuggling in...

Can you guess which Western these military officers are on?

Your Result...

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DIGGER1 46 months ago
Can you guess which Western these military officers are on?
You got 9 out of 10
Did you finish this quiz an A Major or more of an F Trooper?
I was doing alright, until I got to the final question. Oh well....!
TheOnlyONE 46 months ago
10/10-Wish they had some difficult quizzes.
trogg888 46 months ago
got em all but was lucky on one
TheDavBow3 46 months ago
8/10. Shoulda known that was Marshall Matt in the background. Then missed the very last one
Toot1956 46 months ago
I wish they bring back Westerns on Saturday morning I am not a f an of Three hours of Cartoons
CRTRAVIS 46 months ago
10 out of 10 know my westerners ❤️🤗
Cowgirl 46 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Did you finish this quiz an A Major or more of an F Trooper?
I loved watching F Troop as a kid & got to meet Forrest Tucker when I was in college. My literature class attended a performance of That Championship Season & when it was over, we got to meet him & he talked to us about performing on stage. Mr. Tucker was a very nice person & despite being a major star, very down to earth.
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