Can you identify these obscure Looney Tunes characters?

This is us, trying to remember all these cartoon faces: "Hello, my baby, hello, my honey, hello, my rag-time gal."


From 1930 up until 1969, Looney Tunes churned out short after animated short, featuring such enduring and lovable characters as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and many, many more.

Here, we've assembled a Merrie Melodies crew whose names might stump you, but the memories of each will certainly brighten your day. So put those memories to the test, and take this quiz to see how many of these early, obscure Looney toons have stuck with you over time. Good luck!

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  1. We always saw this pair of pups together, trying to track down Sylvester, who, of course, was always after Tweety:
     Image: Warner Bros./YouTube
  2. Here's an easier one for the casual fans. This bossy rooster first appeared in 1946:
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  3. This little chick regularly outsmarted the older rooster from the previous question:
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  4. This is Speedy Gonzales' lesser-known cousin, who couldn't quite keep up with the "fastest mouse in all Mexico":
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  5. It took a while for this Looney Tunes cat to officially get a name, but when he did, it stuck. What was it?
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  6. This little old lady helped protect Tweety from Sylvester:
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  7. This watchful sheepdog had to protect his herd from the Wile E. Coyote lookalike Ralph the Wolf:
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  8. This poor putty-tat always had to do her best to escape the unwanted advances of Pepé Le Pew:
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  9. We tended to see this little piggy on the arm of her love interest, Porky Pig:
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  10. This big, hairy monster is definitely memorable, but what was he called?
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  11. It's tough to think of this guy as "abominable" when any time he came across a bunny rabbit, he wanted to hug him and pet him and squeeze him. Remember his name?
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube
  12. This frog's song-and-dance routine has entertained viewers for more than 60 years:
     Image: Warner Bros. / YouTube

Can you identify these obscure Looney Tunes characters?

Your Result...

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DIGGER1 50 months ago
Can you identify these obscure Looney Tunes characters?
You got 12 out of 12
That's all, folks! Well done. I tawt I taw a Looney Tunes expert!
MikeStevens 51 months ago
I got 12 out of 12 BUT... Gossamer was not named Gossamer in the older cartoons. In his first appearance, his name was Rudolph.
LynCarceo 51 months ago
Missed the girl pig. otherwise, got them.
Dan 51 months ago
For all you Michigan J. Frog lovers, here is 10 straight hours of him singing. Enjoy!

FrenchFryPerson 51 months ago
Can you identify these obscure Looney Tunes characters?
You got 11 out of 12
That's all, folks! Well done. I tawt I taw a Looney Tunes expert!
I feel stupid for missing the one with Michigan J. Frog
You should. That one was easy
ScarlettKaiju 51 months ago
You forgot that Granny did in fact have a first name: Emma! (She was Yosmite Sam's sweetie "Emma from St. Louis.")
francolaguna1 52 months ago
Missed Hugo the Abominable Snowman!
rycki1138 63 months ago
12 out of 12
That's all, folks! Well done. I tawt I taw a Looney Tunes expert!
Igaveyoumyfakename 63 months ago
The vast majority of these characters are hardly obscure or forgotten.
RedSamRackham 63 months ago
Hugo the abominable snowman hilarious calling Bugs Bunny "George" ☺
Joe 63 months ago
GeorgeSimpson 71 months ago
12 for 12. I should. I have books on my shelf about animation, without pictures. I am drowning in information. I'd ask for a rope, but I know an anvil would be on the other end.
LoganCoates 71 months ago
I didn't know the girl cat but I knew the others 12/12.
LeeHarper 71 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
That's all, folks! Well done. I tawt I taw a Looney Tunes expert!
RedSamRackham LeeHarper 63 months ago
Did Gossamer inspire Sesame Street's Cookie Monster? ☺
ndebrabant 71 months ago

You got 9 out of 12
That's all, folks! Well done. I tawt I taw a Looney Tunes expert!
WILD 71 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
That's all, folks! Well done. I tawt I taw a Looney Tunes expert! You did, you did...again.
WILD 74 months ago
I didn't forget any of them. I got a perfect score. I had to guess on one of them because I didn't know she had a name. She did and I guessed right.
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