Can you match each teacher to a Brady Bunch kid?

Who taught these kooky kids?

 CBS Television Distribution

WARNING: This is an experts-only quiz. We do not expect everybody to pass. But if you do, know that you are among an elite group of fans who take their Brady Bunch trivia very seriously.

We've listed 11 teachers (ok, some of them are actually principals, so look out). Each has either appeared in an episode of The Brady Bunch or was mentioned in a line of dialogue. Your duty is to take each teacher and assign the Brady kid who was that teacher's pupil. 

We'll provide one hint: The episode in which each teacher's name is given.

Again, this is some pretty into-the-weeds stuff here, so don't beat yourself up for not knowing. Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below! 

Watch The Brady Bunch on MeTV!

Sundays at 10 & 10:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Mrs. Denhoff ("The Not-So-Rose-Colored Glasses")
  2. Mrs. Watson ("My Sister's Shadow")
  3. Mrs. Robbins ("Getting Davy Jones")
  4. Mr. Price ("The Power of the Press")
  5. Vice-Principal Mr. Binkley ("Getting Greg's Goat")
  6. Mrs. Whitfield ("Snow White and the Seven Bradys")
  7. Mrs. Pearson ("The Dropout")
  8. Principal Mr. Randolph ("The Slumber Caper")
  9. Miss O'Hara ("The Undergraduate")
  10. Miss Goodwin ("Juliet is the Sun")
  11. Principal Mr. Hillary ("Bobby's Hero")

Can you match each teacher to a Brady Bunch kid?

Your Result...

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STTOS 8 months ago
You got 10 out of 11 - Hey, way to go! Better than I thought I would, though some of the episode titles gave them away. Missed #10, thought it was a trick question. But I'll take it.
SalIanni 10 months ago
I had heard that #5 Mrs. Whitfield worked as a tutor for a lot of Hollywood TV and movie star kids, including the Bradys. The Snow White episode was a great tribute to her as she was about to retire.
italianrose74 10 months ago
I’m an EXPERT in category. Not only
do I love The Brady Bunch but this quiz loved me. Except 1. 10/11
AH76 10 months ago
I got 10/11 but some of them were easy because of the episode titlea
PDCougar 10 months ago
I got an 8/11. But enough about the actual topic at hand. Does anybody have any opinions to say here about Chuck Cunningham?
IndianaRockz PDCougar 10 months ago
He went AWOL by joining a circus train that was Mayberry bound, married the bearded lady & opened his own hardware store. True story.🙃
IndianaRockz PDCougar 10 months ago
He went AWOL by joining a circus train that was Mayberry bound, married the bearded lady & opened his own hardware store. True story.🙃
PDCougar 10 months ago
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IndianaRockz 10 months ago
7/11 score always makes me think of Slurpees......
BenSobeleone 10 months ago
#8 Principal Randolph was played by E. G. Marshall who was in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and the Clint Eastwood movie Absolute Power.
SalIanni BenSobeleone 10 months ago
E. G. Marshall also starred in the TV series "The Defenders" where Robert Reed played his son.
RobertK 10 months ago
6 of 11. Except for the ones with a Brady's name in the title, all guesses. I never paid that much attention. Just like I didn't when I was in school! 🙄
MeTvEr 10 months ago
11/11. One of the easiest quizzes on the site because the episode name practically gives it away. You can always tell which Brady kid each episode is about in the first minute.
frenchman71 11 months ago
7/11. I liked "The Slumber Party" episode. The principal was played by E.G. Marshall, star of a lawyer series in the early 60s, "The Defenders". And it co-starred Robert Reed who played a young lawyer.
bradyguy frenchman71 10 months ago
frenchman71 bradyguy 10 months ago
Yep! Look it
bradyguy frenchman71 1 month ago
LOL...don't need to. That's the gag...😁
bradyguy frenchman71 1 month ago
And Reed played more than the "young lawyer". He played Marshall's SON.

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