Can you name '70s cartoons based on photos of real animals?

A pig, a bunny, and a duck walk into a quiz.

Kids who grew up in the '70s, get ready for a furry flashback. 

Today, we've translated your favorite Saturday morning cartoons into a series of photos of real animals. Your task? Tell us which cartoons from the 1970s these photos represent.

Only the most tuned-in '70s kids can guess them all. Good luck!
  1. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a bunny, a pig and a black duck?
  2. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a Great Dane and a psychedelic van?
  3. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a woodpecker and a panda bear?
  4. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a tuxedo cat and a canary?
  5. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a brown bear, a cub, an ant and an alligator?
  6. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a goofy gray dog and a robot?
  7. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a brown mouse and two magpies?
  8. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a brown and black hound who could do karate?
  9. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a shark who played drums?
  10. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured an orange tabby cat, an Old English Sheepdog and a brown dog who wore a military uniform?
  11. Here's a tough one. Which Saturday morning cartoon featured a green woodpecker, a penguin and a pelican?

Can you name '70s cartoons based on photos of real animals?

Your Result...

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Joe 39 months ago
DerekBird 39 months ago
You got 10 out of 11
Go ahead and slap a shark's grin on your face. You clearly know your Seventies 'toons.
bubbasmith 39 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
Go ahead and slap a shark's grin on your face. You clearly know your Seventies 'toons.
idkwut2use 54 months ago
10/11. #10 stumped me, dangnabbit.
DerekBird idkwut2use 39 months ago
Me too. Talk about an obscure show. I remember watching the show and the name but I do not what it was about or how the characters looked.
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 8 out of 11
Go ahead and slap a shark's grin on your face. You clearly know your Seventies 'toons.

Didn't watch all of those, but I really enjoyed the ones that I did!
EllisClevenger 74 months ago
You got 9 out of 11
Go ahead and slap a shark's grin on your face. You clearly know your Seventies 'toons.
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