Can you name the TV show by its baseball episode?

Hey, batter, batter, batter…

Welcome to the major leagues of TV trivia. Step up to the plate. We're tossing 12 images at you. Can you name the TV show and hit it out of the park?

Play ball!
  1. Some of the main characters were baseball players.
  2. A close call at home! But where is home?
  3. You should recognize the redhead in the outfield.
  4. Would you want him on your team?
  5. L.A. Dodgers legend Don Drysdale was the guest star on…?
  6. Who's wearing that Mud Hens uniform?
  7. WPIG? Who would be playing them?
  8. Where were these little leaguers?
  9. These three played a rather tiring game.
  10. Which show featured a game between the Logicians and the Niners?
  11. Which show featured these snazzy uniforms?
  12. This game took place in…?

Can you name the TV show by its baseball episode?

Your Result...

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RedSamRackham 20 months ago
* Sad story about that Mighty Casey actor Robert D. Sorrells from that Twilight Zone episode.
DerekBird 39 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
You knocked it out of the park!
Dario 39 months ago
11 out of 12! Missed No. 10. 😁😁😁😁😁
SureshMukhi 53 months ago
You forgot Who's The Boss episode The Unnatural. They even had 3 real baseball players in that episode.
Snickers SureshMukhi 39 months ago
How about The Munsters episode where the L A Dodgers try to sign Herman to a contract?
Joe 53 months ago
EllisClevenger 70 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
You knocked it out of the park!
Missed #10 and #11.
DouglasMorris 70 months ago
11/12! missed #11. the next to last quiz did me in. still I hit it out of the park for a home run.
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