Can you name these 1960s rock & roll bands?

We show you a picture, you name the group.

With the British Invasion and the dawn of psychedelia, rock & roll bands began to grow their hair long. Thing is, they all kind of started to look the same to the novice rock fans. 

Let's see how well you remember some of the biggest guitar acts of the 1960s.
  1. We'll start with an easy one. Hint: She's not with the band.
  2. This revolutionary act appeared on 'Batman.'
  3. One of them is probably back in the studio.
  4. One day they would show their dark side.
  5. They were dedicated followers of fashion.
  6. You couldn't keep them in a cage.
  7. The singer would go on to have big hits in the '80s.
  8. Not actually an English king, despite what he sang.
  9. This California act took people down the rabbit hole.
  10. They would inspire ice cream flavors of the future.
  11. Watch out for these wild things.
  12. The ____ would soon go through changes.

Can you name these 1960s rock & roll bands?

Your Result...

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WILD 38 months ago
You got 11 out of 12!
Nicely done! You're a regular Dick Clark.
Dario 48 months ago
A PERFECT 12!!!!! 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 😀😀😀😀😀
Tammy 48 months ago
You got 8 out of 12! Nicely done! You're a regular Dick Clark.
DerekBird 48 months ago
You got 12 out of 12!
Nicely done! You're a regular Dick Clark.
kimmer 57 months ago
9/12....i was playing my own music...noot much time for others.
Joe 59 months ago
CourtenayRoutt 60 months ago
11/12. Missed the last one.
DerekBird CourtenayRoutt 48 months ago
I had it narrowed down to two answers because I knew that it wasn't Iron Butterfly and it obviously was not Sly & The Family Stone so then I guessed that it was Love and I got it right.
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