Can you name these professional wrestlers making cameos on other TV shows?

Who are these WWF stars on The Love Boat, Star Trek and more?

Image: The Everett Collection

Professional wrestlers are athletes — we won't argue that. But they are also actors.

No wonder they tend to turn up in television and movies more than other sports heroes. The '80s and '90s were the golden era of the WWF, when wrestlers with colorful personalities and costume slapped each other around in the ring. Wrestlemania made them stars, leading to cartoons, toys and even ice cream bars.

Just take the following TV cameos, for example. Wrestlers turned up in sitcoms, action shows and late night. See if you can name them all!
  1. This Wrestlemania icon appeared in The Love Boat episode "Who's the Champ."
     Image: The Everett Collection
  2. Speaking of The Love Boat, this wrestler set sail in "The Love Boat: A Valentine Voyage."
  3. Speaking of voyages, this up-and-comer was an arena warrior on Star Trek: Voyager.
  4. This beloved wrestler played both Bigfoot on The Six Million Dollar Man and a "Monster" on The Greatest American Hero.
     Image, right: NBCUniversal Television
  5. The militaristic grappler became a G.I. Joe character — and action figure.
     Image: The Everett Collection
  6. As the spokesman for Slim Jim, he implored (well, screamed), "Snap into it!"
     Image: Slim Jim
  7. Here is Bret Hart making an animated cameo on The Simpsons. What was his ring name?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  8. This wrestler slapped around Taxi star Andy Kaufman on Late Night with David Letterman in a legendary staged bit.
     Image: NBCUniversal Television
  9. This massive wrestler had beef with Bud on Married… with Children.
     Image: Sony Pictures Television
  10. This Eighties icon wrestled Frankie's (Ethan Suplee) dad on Boy Meets World.
     Image: Buena Vista Television
  11. This wrestler played Frankie's dad, Frankie Stechino Sr., in a few episodes of Boy Meets World.
     Image: Buena Vista Television

Can you name these professional wrestlers making cameos on other TV shows?

Your Result...

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TheFanFromUNCLE 21 months ago
11/11. Being a fan for 38 years helped out.
nemalki 21 months ago
11/11... guess I'm a true wrestlemaniac, brother.
JamesBrashear 36 months ago
11 out of 11. Snap in to that. El Perfecto.
Joe 59 months ago
Professional wrestlers are better athletes than actors.
Runeshaper 67 months ago
You got 10 out of 11
You sure know your wrestlers. It figures!

Vader wasn't around when I was watching, but I sure miss a lot of these dudes.
WILD 67 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
You sure know your wrestlers. It figures! Damn right I know my wrestling. I've been a wrestling fan since the 70s, that's back when Andre Roussimoff was Geant Jean Ferre (anglicized: Giant John Ferray) right here in Montreal.
KimThornadtsson 71 months ago
11/11 Of course I know who these guys are! We loved watching WWF (World Wrestling Federation)..later WWE. I still have some my old WWF magazines.
EllisClevenger 73 months ago
You got 9 out of 11
You sure know your wrestlers. It figures!
I'm wrestling with my conscious.
Okay, confession time.
Sometimes, guessing does pay off.
Geronimo 73 months ago
I know my wrestlers................11/11
UTZAAKE 73 months ago
9/11. Foiled by 2 and 11.
7. Calgary's Western Hockey League (major juniors) team is named in his honor. He's a native of the city.
Barry22 73 months ago
11/11, anyone remember the episode of Baywatch that Hulk Hogan, Randy Machoman Savage, Ric Flair and Vader all appeared in?
JeffTanner 73 months ago
You got 10 out of 11 --------------You sure know your wrestlers. It figures!
cperrynaples 73 months ago
9/11! Fun fact: Hulk was also on "Search For Tomorrow"! Of course, we now know 3 as Dwayne Johnson, his real name.
Brownthunder 73 months ago
8 out of 11, kind of tough. They left out some of older ones, like Bobo Brazil, the famous coco but
Brownthunder Brownthunder 73 months ago
The Sheik as well. It would be great if you could edit your posting
cperrynaples Brownthunder 73 months ago
I remember the Iron Sheik! I would like to see what a coco butt looks like and isn't Bobo the bald idiot who calls Howard Stern...LOL!!!
Geronimo Brownthunder 73 months ago
This was basically WWE superstars
Just your garden variety headbutt.
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