Can you pass this Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons quiz?

You don't have to be a meteorologist to know The Four Seasons!


Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons sang songs like memories; something in their chemistry sounded like flipping through the pages of an old high school yearbook. They were legends long before their lives were immortalized in Broadway's Jersey Boys. Across several decades, the angel-voiced Four Seasons were American radio.

Do you remember the details? Are you a huge fan, or were they just on in the background? Warning: This quiz may cause you to relisten to some of the catchiest songs ever! So be careful, and share your thoughts and score in the comments section below!

  1. The Four Seasons was formed in which city?
  2. Prior to The Four Seasons, Bob Gaudio was in The Royal Teens, who wrote which hit song?
  3. "Sherry" took about 15 minutes to write and was originally titled...?
  4. Which of these was NOT a number-one hit?
  5. According to Bob Gaudio, the title and lyrics of "Big Girls Don't Cry" were inspired by which of the following?
  6. "My Eyes Adored You" was recorded by The Four Seasons in early 1974. Who was credited upon release?
  7. If you met someone halfway between Earth, Wind and Fire's "September" and The Four Seasons' "Oh What a Night," when would you be meeting them?
  8. Frankie Valli and Tommy DeVito were introduced to Bob Guadio by which of the following?
  9. Who is not an original member of The Four Seasons?
  10. What is the name of the song Frankie Valli sings in the movie "Grease?"

Can you pass this Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons quiz?

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trogg888 18 months ago
8 not too bad.they were the group i didnt want to admit i liked,but frankie could sing and i was a vocalist.learned a lot listening to him
SheriHeffner 18 months ago
6 out of 10 They're bowing the IU r heads in shame🤣
Snickers 18 months ago
3/10.Boy, I really blew that one.
ironman2000 19 months ago
7 of 10, did better than I thought. I grew up with the Four Seasons, but not a crazy fan. I did love the Beechnut Fruity Stripes chewing gun commercial they ran in the sixties.
Rita6868 19 months ago
8 out of 10.Missed 3&5.
Fan since 1966.See you in October Frankie for my 14th & 15th time.My eyes will always adore you handsome!❤
musicman37 19 months ago
9/10. I missed what "Sherry" was first titled. The rest were pathetically easy.
Supercat58 19 months ago
Only four of ten, good music though
Rayof808 19 months ago
7/10...okay...Saw "Jersey Boys", which helped a bit...
Ivan 19 months ago
A totally outstanding performer.I met him when he came to the U.K. 50 years ago. I still have his and the Four Seasons autographs. I asked him if would be singing THE PROUD ONE song he apologized but the song needed certain aspects that he could not sort out, even so the show was fabulous. Listening to DOOWOP songs is how songs should be sung.
Ready2go 19 months ago
5/10. I didn't Walk like a Man.
And didn't bluff elsewise as men are prone to do.
Good for you.
tootsieg 19 months ago
10/10. Being a Jersey Girl it was pretty easy.
LmerFudd tootsieg 19 months ago
The real boss
MikefromJersey 19 months ago
"You got 6 out of 10. They're not bowing, they're hanging their heads in despair!"
Despair, isn't that what you find in de trunk?

The Four Seasons got their name from the Four Seasons bowling alley on Rt. 22 in Union,
NJ. As kids we weren't allowed to bowl there because it was known as a pick up joint, which
really cheesed me off when I was in junior high because rumor had it Union girls were
wild. No offense to any Jersey Girls out there from Union, that was just the scuttlebutt
at that time.
Moverfan MikefromJersey 19 months ago
Is de jack in the de trunk with despair?
MikefromJersey Moverfan 19 months ago
Mover wrote "Is de jack in the de trunk with despair?"
I can't deny that as denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
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