Can you remember all these details from the Addams Family Christmas episode?

Morticia, Gomez and the rest wish you a merry macabre Christmas.


Though it’s understandably a little different than most holiday episodes, “Christmas with the Addams Family” is a festive favorite. For those who like to mix the macabre with their merriment, eccentricity with their eggnog – this is the episode for you.

Do you know this Christmas classic? See if you can remember all the dismally delightful details from this quiz!

  1. Gomez uses a “musical hammer” to plunk out which Christmas tune while hanging the mistletoe?
  2. What does Morticia wonder about this sculpture she’s giving to a distant cousin?
  3. This horse feedbag is intended as a gift for…
  4. Who told Wednesday and Pugsley there is no Santa Claus?
  5. Morticia can’t remember…
  6. Wednesday hopes Santa brings her a new doll of which ill-fated historical figure?
  7. What does Pugsley want from Santa?
  8. How much does Gomez pay this man for his Santa suit?
  9. Who is this dressed as Santa?
  10. What song does everyone sing at the end?

Can you remember all these details from the Addams Family Christmas episode?

Your Result...

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goodguy 39 months ago
Glad I got them the first time .
RobertK 39 months ago
4/10. Now I know why I always get coal in my stocking...
robyni23 39 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Did you see right through this quiz or did some questions fool you?
Had to take it twice.
MikefromJersey 39 months ago
7 for 10.
I know many of you appreciate good TV, so check out the Run For Your Life episode
"Time and a Half On Christmas Eve". In the last few years it has been re-discovered
by serious TV scholars and is rocketing up the list of "Best Christmas Episodes Ever".
Ernest Borgnine guests as a taxi driver, it is obvious he is playing it as his "Marty"
character from the Oscar winning film of that name, one of the all time greats.
It doesn't matter if you haven't seen any other episodes of Run For Your Life
in order to enjoy it. A real gem.
Dario 39 months ago
7 out of 10 the first time(missed questions 3, 7 & 8) and a perfect 10 the second time. 👍👍👍👍👍 😁😁😁😁😁
AllisonWunderland 39 months ago
4/10…🤷‍♀️ Same score again on this quiz too 😜
RobertK AllisonWunderland 39 months ago
4 of 10 for me as well! I only saw the episode once, When it originally played!
AllisonWunderland RobertK 39 months ago
Well, I don’t have an excuse coz I’ve seen this show too many times not to remember 🤪
JERRY6 39 months ago
5 out of 10 never saw this episode
dodgebob 39 months ago
Well Deck my Halls, I got 4/10, be nice it's Christmas. : - )
TVMaster 39 months ago
'6 out 10, Have to watch more Addams Family!😀😀
William386 39 months ago
I think i done a very good job on here thanks William mccloud
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