Can you tell the difference between dreams and reality on The Dick Van Dyke Show?

Did these things really happen to the characters or are they just in in someone’s mind?

 Genesis International

Along with being a hilarious workplace and family sitcom, The Dick Van Dyke Show sprinkled in many instances of absurdity and surreality. Sometimes the wackiness was really happening to the characters and sometimes it was just something they dreamed up.

Can you tell which of these images are from a dream sequence and which ones really happened to the characters on the show?

  1. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  2. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  3. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  4. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  5. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  6. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  7. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  8. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  9. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  10. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  11. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International
  12. Is this a dream or reality?
     Genesis International

Can you tell the difference between dreams and reality on The Dick Van Dyke Show?

Your Result...

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RedShirt60 18 days ago
The episode where Rob watched the sci-fi movie and has the walnut nightmare is my favorite!
SalIanni 2 months ago
"You got 12 out of 12
Did the right answers spill out or were you lost in a dream?"

I would say "Both!"
MeTvEr 2 months ago
12 for 12. My favorite show. Still great today.
maxh22 3 months ago
12 out of 12. I watch the Dick Van Dyke show every night before I go to bed.
BorisK 3 months ago
11/12 ... I still think MTM rocked capris like nobody else.
FrankensteinLover 3 months ago
11 of 12, one of the greatest shows everrrr.
KMT6600 3 months ago
GOT them all right YAH i did it My favor it show
MikefromJersey 3 months ago
"You got 12 out of 12. Did the right answers spill out or were you lost in a dream?"
I aced this and it's not because I also took it 42 months ago.

I got Dick's autobiography on CDs for a buck at a library sale, first time I ever listened to a book.
Enjoyable way to do it, you can do work and listen to him read it at the same time.
Anyway, the book is well worth picking up.
I never knew Gene Hackman was his cousin, and that he stopped Redd Fox from murdering a
man on the set.
BorisK MikefromJersey 3 months ago
The Red Foxx part sounds about right.
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