Can you tell which fast food chain these vintage commercials are advertising?
Eat up!

Fast food chain restaurants are an inexpensive way to get a great meal. An added bonus is that fast food restaurants have been around for decades and tend to keep the same popular menu items, which means that your favorite food is most likely old familiar meals from decades previous. We're quizzing you on your fast food knowledge by showing you moments from fast food commercials of decades past. It's your job to tell us which restaurant this commercial is advertising!
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
This fast food restaurant had a promotion starring characters of the television series Popeye. What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?
What restaurant is this commercial advertising?

Can you tell which fast food chain these vintage commercials are advertising?
Your Result...
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Also became a Druthers--- their logo was "I'd ruther go to Druthers".
I miss Captain D's fish restaurants. They were better to me than Long John Silvers.
I prefer Burger King for hamburgers.
I also like the Taco Bell original 12 pack, all crunchy with Fire sauce.