Choose your favorite classic television duo!

Friends, much like television, are forever.

 CBS Television Distribution

Where would any of us be without our best friends? In this survey, we've collected just a few different iconic duos from various classic television shows. Please choose your favorite duo!

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  1. Who is your favorite duo?

Choose your favorite classic television duo!

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jeffhevk 1 month ago
Anything with Spock in it will get my vote. My favorite tv character and most recognizable of all. Amok Time got to me as a kid.
Kaydee 1 month ago
30% As you all can see by my profile pic I guess you know who I chose as my fave TV duo.
ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
Probably too far back for most here to remember: Toody and Muldoon.
Rob ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
Who were they?
Brad 1 month ago
30% similar, as I chose Batman & Robin. I was considering Andy & Barney, but there are just so many times, in so many episodes, that I would've paid serious money to see Andy slap the snot out of Barney for being... well... himself.
Kaydee Brad 1 month ago
I chose Batman & Robin as well. I actually thought it would've gotten a higher percentage but what do I know...
leeroyprice 1 month ago
My favorite are The Three Stooges.
Jacki leeroyprice 1 month ago
"Woo woo woo woo"; "oh wise guy"😂😉 Do you rather Curly or Shemp?
leeroyprice Jacki 1 month ago
Curly, but Shemp can be pretty funny to.
Jacki leeroyprice 1 month ago
Same here. I couldn't resist doing my impersonation "woo woo woo".😄
frances3agape 1 month ago
Male duo - Andy & Barney, Female - tie Mary & Rhoda and Laverne & Shirley
frances3agape 1 month ago
Should have narrowed among at least 3 group choices - male/female/1 each, decades & drama/comedy
left out real/animation
Casanova41 1 month ago
Oops, I left out DJ and Kimmie from Full House, Amos and Andy, Abbott and Costello, Homer and Moe, Bart and Millhouse from The Simpsons, Peter & Brian, but then Brian and Stewie from Family Guy, Stan and Roger from American Dad, Dwayne and Ron from A Different World, Theo and Cockroach from The Cosby Show, Lamont and Rolo from Sanford & Son, Red & Stimpy, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Al Bundy & Jefferson D'arcy from Married with Children, (Only because Jefferson never entirely went up against Al for Marcy except for those two times when they were feuding neighbors dividing lines on a driveway in and the shopping spree two episodes, maybe even Lamont and Juilio from Sanford & Son, Cagney, and Lacy.
Casanova41 1 month ago
What about Danny, Jesse, and Joey from Full House, Cory and Shawn from Boy Meets World, Steve and Cedric from The Steve Harvey Show (Sitcom), Tia and Tamara from Sister, Sister, Martin, Tommy, and Cole from Martin, George, and Ernie from the George Lopez Show (Sitcom), Johnny Carson and Merv Griffin, Pat Zajek and Vana White, Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn?
RebelRose2 1 month ago
Hello??!!! Lucy and Ethel!!!!!
Thank you. I absolutely thought they would be on this list AND who I would have picked. I had to go with Andy and Barney, but Skipper and Gilligan, Batman and Robin were a good choice also.
Rob 1 month ago
How about Felix Unger and Oscar Madison from The Odd Couple?
ElizabethBoop Rob 1 month ago
Which ones? Matthau and Lemmon, Klugman and Randall, Ron Glass and Desmond Wilson, or Matthew Perry and Tom Lennon?
Jacki Rob 1 month ago
I like Jack Klugman and Tony Randall as Oscar and Felix.😄
Rob ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
I prefer the Klugman-Randall duo.
Brad Rob 1 month ago
That would be an excellent program for MeTV to begin showing again! Maybe replace an hour of M*A*S*H with the early 70's "Odd Couple"?
Rob Brad 1 month ago
I agree!
wolfman69 1 month ago
This was a tough one. Picked Andy & Barney, but easily could have been Kirk & Spock, Bugs & Daffy, or Richie & the Fonz.
Lillyrose 1 month ago
My favorite from this list is B.J. Hunnicutt and Hawkeye Pierce from MASH. (Although I liked Trapper and Hawkeye better). I fully expected to see my all time favorite duo to be on this list, but surprisingly, they're not on the list. How could you forget Lucy and Ethel from I Love Lucy? None of the others are even close! The best TV show ever! Bar none!
sjbang88 1 month ago
I chose Mary and Rhoda which is 0% similar, and I'm very happy with that
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