Cola Wars: We want your (p)opinions!
We've got some hard questions about soft drinks!

Soda... It's probably bad for us but we just can't get enough!
Another thing we can't get enough of is your opinions! So, we've got to see where you are on this soda pop spectrum.
Take your pick and see how your opinions compare to those of your MeTV neighbors! Have fun!
What do you call fizzy soft drinks?
Speaking of Coke... Pepsi or Coke?
What's your preference?
Pick one:
Choose a cola additive!
How do you prefer to drink your soda?
What's your ice preference?
Cubes, or...?
Do you miss sitting down at a counter and being served by a soda-jerker?
Would you ever put a soda machine in your house (price notwithstanding)?
When you serve yourself at a soda machine, do you mix drinks?

Cola Wars: We want your (p)opinions!
Your Result...
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It's Coke # 1 Soda #2 . In my neck of the woods there's no need for a vending machine the 3 major supermarkets always have " soda " buy 2 get 2 ( 12 packs ) and on holidays it's buy 2 get 3 .
Coke or Pepsi ? Both . . . Pepsi tastes sweeter but the Coke stays bubbly ( carbonated ) Longer ☺️
Coke or Pepsi ? Both . . . Pepsi tastes sweeter but the Coke stays bubbly ( carbonated ) Longer ☺️
To pick a cola...It's "me and my Coke or Pepsi in my pad. If you're from the East, it's "soda". My actual soda is generally ginger ale, with a foray into a bottle of R.C. at times. If you don't know "birch beer", it's your loss. You can find it at places with specialty drinks. It actually comes from birch trees. It's somewhat like "sarsaparilla". Again, you're missing a great taste.
For number 1, I had to put "soda," but I use any of those terms when I'm talking about a generic soft drink. I call it a "soft drink." If it's Coke, I'll call it Coke. Sometimes I'll say Coke when I'm generically talking about cola, but because I buy Sam's Cola to drink at home and not Coke, I'm in the habit of calling it cola when it's a cola-flavored drink. But ginger ale, for example, is not "cola" or "Coke." It's "ginger ale." The bottles of cola and ginger ale I have in my refrigerator are "soft drinks." I've never called it "soda" or "pop."
64% similar.
Yes, I'd like a soda machine. It would compliment my 1976 Seeburg jukebox very well (and then I would have to save up some quarters to get the pop from the machine, but that would be a great deterrent to making it a habit to drink soda all the time).
Yes, I'd like a soda machine. It would compliment my 1976 Seeburg jukebox very well (and then I would have to save up some quarters to get the pop from the machine, but that would be a great deterrent to making it a habit to drink soda all the time).
I used to drink a lot of soda. When I stopped back in 2009 I lost so much weight. My big craving was Cocoa cola.
I don't really drink soda anymore. But as far as the root beer goes..... UGH!!
Some questions my answer would be "depends". Like how I prefer to drink and mixing drinks. The last one I did as a kid but not as an adult.
Not a fair quiz. I call all of them “soft drinks” as a group. I prefer ginger ale - but I mostly drink water. I had to just go with the least objectionable response on several questions!
Me, too. They are "soft drinks." I'll drink cola occasionally (and I call it "cola" because for home I buy Sam's Cola because I think it tastes like Coke but it's a lot cheaper) and sometimes ginger ale. I don't care whether the ice is crushed or cubed, just so it doesn't melt and dilute my drink. At home my drinks are already cold in the refrigerator so I don't bother with ice. I hate root beer and have no idea what "Birch beer" is, but I chose that answer because I know I don't like root beer. LOL
Actually, I call it Soda Pop. I don't like Coke or Pepsi. Do love Dr Pepper and RC is okay.
I did quit drinking any and all of them when they quit using cane sugar and use HFCS. That is what addicts people and makes them fatter, besides wrecking the flavor.
I did quit drinking any and all of them when they quit using cane sugar and use HFCS. That is what addicts people and makes them fatter, besides wrecking the flavor.
It would be nice if Coca-cola would bring back the Lime coke zero. I really liked the drink. I was always a bigger Coke Zero fan but lately I have gotten to where I think Pepsi Zero tastes better.
I like Cherry Coke Zero over Cherry Diet Coke. I tried Cherry Pepsi Zero, but there's an additive in the drink that doesn't agree with me.