Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Goodbye, Sheriff Taylor''

In which Barney's promotion causes commotion!

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 10: "Goodbye, Sheriff Taylor". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. What's the name of the fella that calls Andy with the offer?
  2. What outfit is that man with?
  3. Barney: "Naturally, you want to leave a man in charge who knows the _______."
  4. Barney deputizes Goober, Otis and ______.
  5. Barney hits deputy #3 with a(n)...
  6. Who does Opie say got his head stuck in the drain?
  7. Who falls and skins his knee?
  8. Which deputy causes a big old traffic jam?
  9. Who says, "Well, Barn, I guess you know now what to expect when you become sheriff"?
  10. Why wasn't Goober suspicious of the supposed "duck hunter" wearing a mask?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Goodbye, Sheriff Taylor''

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 6 months ago
Wow! After getting the first three wrong, I got the rest of them right. So 7/10.
hendrix_media 6 months ago
3/10. Definitely my worst score ever on MeTV Andy Griffith Trivia Contests! 😑 😝 😝
Fred_Clampett 7 months ago
5 of 10. I was a little embarrassed, but a lot of people blew this one.
Zip 7 months ago
I like this episode, I guess I just don't remember enough details about it.
BuzzFluheart 7 months ago
9/10. Missed #6. Love this episode.
sjbang88 7 months ago
6/10 Please don't go Sheriff Taylor!
paulbryars 7 months ago
8/10. Missed the last two questions.
JayBurd 7 months ago
3 of 10! Yippy I suck at these Mayberry quizs
JHP 7 months ago

NOW good ol' BARN would get his undies (from the artistic weavers?) in a taught bunch when ANGE had to deputize Otis

but it was ok for BARN to do that - (Turd)

and this was a recurring theme

8/10 - #10 and #6 got me
edcrumpacker JHP 7 months ago
Yes, EXCELLENT point JHP. Never thought of that. That a way to deduce.
JHP edcrumpacker 7 months ago
just saw "deputy otis" last night
Rick 7 months ago
3/10 I barely remember this ep.
frenchman71 7 months ago
8/10. Don't remember anything about a duck hunter in this episode.
When the filling station got "robbed", Goober commented that the guy could have been hunting ducks because he had a shotgun
Okay. Now I remember.
Jackieorocks 7 months ago
10/10 Just because your a deputy doesn't mean you can help yourself to free fruit. Lol 😆
We'll make it good Harry, I gotta go
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