Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''The Case of the Punch in the Nose''

In which Barney takes a swing at a cold case!

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 25: "The Case of the Punch in the Nose." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Andy and Barney are looking through old files. Where will that paperwork end up?
  2. What's the name of the song Andy and Barney sing while sorting the files?
  3. They find an assault case involving Floyd and ______.
  4. What does the sidewalk say outside of Floyd's shop?
  5. Floyd (allegedly) threw a punch during a dispute over a...
  6. How many years ago was the alleged incident?
  7. Who gets punched at the courthouse?
  8. Aunt Bee makes a ________, and Andy eats some of it.
  9. Who then punches Floyd?
  10. Who gets punched at the filling station?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''The Case of the Punch in the Nose''

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deano1 5 months ago
Any episode featuring Howard McNear is great. Even in season seven when you could tell he was very ill, he was amazing. This one and the one with the female fugitives are my favorite Floyd episodes.
Dandaniels deano1 5 months ago
My favorite Floyd episode is the Gay Deceiver when he was entertaining his lady pen pal Madelyn Grayson, or was it Madison Graylyn? He was such a miserable wretch in that episode.
mda 5 months ago
4/10. The actual name of the hymn on question 2 is "There is a Fountain."

This is is the worst I have done on any TAGS quizzes. I have seen that episode many times though.
JHP 5 months ago
6/10 - love this episode because ANGE actually tears into BARN because it was Barn's fault to start everything
ColbysTonsorialParlor JHP 5 months ago
It's not our fault IT'S YOUR FAULT
JHP ColbysTonsorialParlor 5 months ago
I just smile so big when that happens:):)
cinamac 5 months ago
“It’s as open as it ever was!”
Where you reckon he's run off to?
Buzzyleonard 5 months ago
Good episode.
She'll get even with him now!
BuzzFluheart 5 months ago
9/10. Missed #1. The answer to #10 is wrong as I just checked the episode. Gilly is at the courthouse telling Barney what had happened at the filling station and said that after he had honked the horn a few times, Goober came out and punched him. So the punch at the filling station was never shown but Gilly makes it clear who had hit him.
I haven't seen the episode in a while, but what you say sounds right to me, and is bolstered by the fact that Goober was punched at the courthouse (question No. 7), so he couldn't have been punched at the courthouse, too. I'm sure no one got punched twice, even though Barney did have the men of the town simmerin' near the boiling point!
Edddie 5 months ago
Who punched Gober at the filling station? I think ole man Foley punched him in the barber shop , but can't remember the filling station.
BuzzFluheart Edddie 5 months ago
The answer to #10 is wrong as I just checked the episode. Gilly is at the courthouse telling Barney what had happened at the filling station and said that after he had honked the horn a few times, Goober came out and punched him. So the punch at the filling station was never shown but Gilly makes it clear who had hit him.
Edddie BuzzFluheart 5 months ago
Thanks for clearing that up for me because I just couldn't remember that.
Edddie BuzzFluheart 5 months ago
I'm going to run that episode down and watch it again.. 🙃👌👍
edcrumpacker 5 months ago
9/10. Missed #10. Not one of favorite episodes.
#10 is wrong. The answer is Gilley
I was gonna say the same thing. Gilley's at the courthouse swearing out a complaint against Goober for the punch. That's the only one I got wrong so we were right...MeTV was wrong. Give yourself credit. We're 10/10 on this one.
This is my absolute favorite episode. Well maybe a tie with Convicts At Large.
Definitely, two of the best episodes of the series.
And Floyd and Barney play dominant roles in both.
WINDandRAIN 5 months ago
9/10 Missed number ten.
#10 is wrong, the correct answer is Gilley
Wendy57 5 months ago
I liked how Foley described how Floyd would punch someone.
“ It was more like a boop.”
TownOfMayberry Wendy57 5 months ago
That means you got #10 wrong because MeTV made a mistake. You actually got 9 out of 10.
Correct. Gilley is the right answer
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