Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: ''Opie's Ill-Gotten Gain''

Hey... Who said that?!

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Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "The Constitution of the United States. Give me the first word and I'll know the rest."?
  2. Who says... "Maybe she's teacher's pet because she gets good marks, d'you ever think of that?"
  3. Who says... "You'll find you use arithmetic in every walk of life"?
  4. Who says... "Effort: A. Cooperation: A. Arithmetic: A"?
  5. Who says... "Well, your head's so full, might as well fill your tummy!"?
  6. Who says... "Do you know you're standing in the presence of a boy who got all A's on his report card?"
  7. Who says... "I think you ought to have that boy measured for his IQ."?
  8. Who says... "Oh Andy, he's going to love it."?
  9. Who says... "Well, remember how we used to paste our own name over the author's?"
  10. Who says... "Oh, well, I'd better explain."?

Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: ''Opie's Ill-Gotten Gain''

Your Result...

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JHP 1 hour ago
ahhh yes . Does anyone know what BARN's I.Q is?
3000...oops that's Irritant Quotient.

This one really sets my boiling point off to the moon (or even farther)
Ms Frump (Ms Super perfect) calls Opie in front of the class to say he didn't get all those A's and then says''"I'm sorry" - KEErist even Virgil - The King of sorry can't hold a candle to her idiocy.


Jacki 1 hour ago
10/10. I felt bad for poor Opie; he was going to explain to Andy the mistake Ms. Crump made but everyone was making such a big fuss about how proud they were of him, the poor kid didn't want to disappoint them and was embarrassed to say anything.
Calhoun1959 2 hours ago
10/10 I was angry with Helen Crump for making a mistake like this
Big3Fan 2 hours ago
🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲 Effort: 'A' Cooperation: 'A' Readin': 'A' Spellin': 'A'
Bookman1963 3 hours ago
10/10. I'm teacher's pet because I got bad marks and she felt sorry for me.
sjbang88 4 hours ago
6/10 the sequence where Andy quizzes Barney is classic
JHP sjbang88 1 hour ago
run through that scene and watch how Barney;s hair goes from combed to messed up and back to combed again within 2 minutes
Jacki JHP 1 hour ago
I did see that...no continuity. Barney must have been pretty fast with the comb. Lol 😄
teire 4 hours ago
9/10. Number two has the correct answer now. I feel bad for Opie in this episode.
Irish 7 hours ago
9/10. By the way #2 was Andy not Opie. 🚲
Snickers Irish 5 hours ago
Yea I thought the same thing. Sounds more like Andy than Opie.
Muleskinner 7 hours ago
8/10. Missed 2 & 8. But # 2 should be Andy for the answer.
Michele Muleskinner 7 hours ago
I feel the same way! I don’t remember opie saying that.
Muleskinner Michele 6 hours ago
Opie said that a girl in his class gets good marks because she’s the teacher’s pet. Andy replies that “maybe she’s teacher’s pet because she gets good marks. You ever think of that?”
Michele Muleskinner 6 hours ago
That’s the way I remember it too. Thanks 😊
Snickers Muleskinner 5 hours ago
Than I got 8/10 since I picked Andy on #2
FredGoss88 7 hours ago
I'm pretty sure #2 is Andy.
Michele FredGoss88 7 hours ago
I think you’re right 👍🏻
FrankensteinLover 7 hours ago
8 out of 10, #2 Should be Andy unless I'm crazy
You’re not crazy, I think it’s a mistake too.
Michele 8 hours ago
You got 8 out of 10! Missed 2 & 3 😟 I love this episode too! Opie wouldn’t ride his brand new bike outta guilt. I wish some kids still had a conscience 🙃
JHP Michele 1 hour ago
well,,,,need to go to the tree instead of the fruit
frenchman71 8 hours ago
8/10. I felt bad when Helen told Andy the truth about Opie's grades.
Calhoun1959 frenchman71 2 hours ago
I feel bad that she made such a mistake
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