Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''Man in a Hurry''

Hey... Who said that?!

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "Hey, Mr. Tucker? You aren't gonna leave, are ya?"
  2. Who says... "Yep, that's the plan, go home, little nap..."?
  3. Who says... "Did it sound something like this? First it ran smooth, then it kind of... ch-ch-ch-ch-ch."?
  4. Who says... "Look, all I want you to do is come with me and look at my motor."?
  5. Who says... 'He's savin' up money for college. Studyin' to be a doctor."?
  6. Who says.., 'Wally, the owner, he don't even show up on Sundays."?
  7. Who says... "That thing'll do eighty! Now, that's fast on water!"?
  8. Who says... "Didn't want you to say later on we'd overcharged you."?
  9. Who says... "Gomer can't help you, Mr. Tucker. He's not a mechanic."?
  10. Who says... "For the love of Mike, do it! Do it! Just do it!"?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''Man in a Hurry''

Your Result...

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Tbrew001 26 days ago
Great episode. I could probably repeat every word
8176Morgan 29 days ago
"You got 8 out of 10. Outstandin'!"
BenSobeleone 29 days ago
Liked that scene when Mr. Tucker sang along with Andy and Barney on "Little Brown Church in the Vale"
mda 30 days ago
The Malcolm Tucker rant is great.
mda 30 days ago
9/10. My favorite episode for sure.
sjbang88 30 days ago
8/10 This was a classic. Gomer was at his best on TAGS, then he went stupid, not in a funny way on Gomer Pyle USMC
LH sjbang88 30 days ago
Agree. He emoted way too much
JHP sjbang88 29 days ago
actually him (who would yell back at BARN - not like his boss) and Otis are (along with Ernest) were my favs...those 3 had no issues ; they were straight-up no BS or attitudes
Robersot 30 days ago
It just occurred to me,Barney has supper at Andy's house on several episodes. Thelma Lou was never invited. Y'all study on that for a spell.
sjbang88 Robersot 30 days ago
and it's not as if Aunt Bee wouldn't have prepared enough food
JHP Robersot 29 days ago
well I am well versed on this situation...She was always gluing hymn covers with Virgil:) and then...things got sticky:):)
Robersot JHP 28 days ago
She never went to church with Barney. Somethings going here
frenchman71 1 month ago
10/10. great episode. That's the plan. Go home, take a nap, go over to Thelma Lou's and watch TV.
sjbang88 frenchman71 30 days ago
classic Barney
JHP 1 month ago
10/10 - really good episode . A lot of good , pure straightforward humor. I just wish I could see a full show ; the original starts with Malcolm stranded and having to walk outside the town of mayberry...
JMilburn 1 month ago
#10's multiple choices is incorrect---Malcolm Tucker said "for the love of Mike, do it, do it" to Barney--i just chose Barney because that's who the line was said TO and was ABOUT---but that kept me from getting a perfect score! But that aside, this episode, Man In A Hurry, is what I consider to be the absolute BEST EPISODE of The Andy Griffith Show, and probably my #1 favorite if I was forced to pick one--definitely in a list of my top 5-10 favorite episodes for sure.......That's what makes the Andy Griffith Show sit in its own league above all others--u could have a list of 20-30 episodes that could all reasonably be considered or make a strong case for being the best or the favorite of one fan or another--but I think Man In A Hurry captures the series at its absolute BEST--the overall theme for that episode is illustrating how the town and the people in it could affect and get into the bloodstream of a random passing stranger in just one day. And this definitely happens over the course of the episode, little by little, to Robert Emhardt, who played the stranger, Malcolm Tucker, who is passing through Mayberry on a business trip when his car breaks down right outside the town limits. It really is the perfect story in so many ways, but especially perfect for TAGS, because it shows the power of people and the power of a community willing to lend a helping hand to someone in trouble and in need even if they didn't know the person. This episode proved that nobody in Mayberry was ever going to let u starve or be left out in the street with no place to go if u found yourself down on your luck--the community of Mayberry was always going to be willing to help you as long as u didn't stab them in the back or violate them in some way. I grew up in the 80s watching reruns of this show, and it felt as fresh and real then as it still does today, or as im sure it did in the 60s. Although I can't imagine how special it must have been to have grown up watching these shows "for-real brand new" at the time they came out, and what it must have been like gathering around the black-and-white TV set with your family watching Andy with the TV dinners on a tray in front of u. Boomers, u all were the luckiest generation of all--u all were the products of the Greatest Generation once they had concluded saving this country and saving this world from tyranny, and could then begin living out the fruits and blessings in their own personal lives and being able to enjoy the freedoms that they fought so hard to protect and save in the late 30s and early 40s, like getting married, buying a home, settling down, having children, raising their family, and living the American Dream! And as children, Boomers, u all got to live in the most peaceful time in our nation's history that came between the two wars--the mid 40s to the mid 60s--until we had to yet again fight to protect those freedoms and that American way of life that we love so much. Unfortunately, I don't think our country or world was ever the same after our greatest president of the second half of the 20th century was assassinated--because then the next generation--GEN X, which was the first babies of the early Boomers--born from the mid 60s to 1980--they had to grow up in a much different world than Boomers did--a much more complicated world. The post-JFK-world, the race war and social justice world, the Vietnam world, the space world, the Watergate world...... I was the very last of the GEN X'ers--born right on the cusp--1980--the very end of the GEN X'ers and the very beginning of the Millennials, so it doesn't get more "on the cusp" than that! But growing up, and even still all my life, I have always identified with and gotten along with more and related to more my GEN X'ers than Millenials. GEN X is THE MOST FORGOTTEN AND MOST KICKED TO THE CURB GENERATION OF ALL-TIME! Ask anybody born from the early to mid 60s to the early 80s, and I promise they will tell u the same thing! I guess it's because we all came along and came of age during a time of a huge amount of change in this country, and there were so many Boomers in the country for so long that they kind of overshadowed probably two generations' worth of people--both GEN X and Millenial. But that's not to complain--the Boomers earned theirs for sure. They ran this country for 50-60 yrs. But I think GEN X was forgotten by our establishment govt and our country. Then the only thing Millennials were ever interested in doing was looking toward the future and focusing on building Big Tech, and they're the ones who did it--it was the Millenials and late X'ers who built the Internet and social media and smartphones. But I think people who were born from the early 60s to about the time I was born--1980--i think alot of them were caught in the middle of a major generational change and shift that took place in this country. Its almost as if X'ers were skipped over and we went from the world and the wealth that the Boomers built up to the Millennials and the empire that they built that was Big Tech. By the time all of that has been done, it was about 2010, Obama was in office, and all of a sudden the focus shifted to the rise of GEN Z--those born from the mid 1990s to 2010. And it was a pandering to them from the govt--all of a sudden, kids in that generation didn't have to learn any responsibility or accountability, and the parents were complicit in this as well. Sadly enough, that was alot of GEN Z parents. I think because of being forgotten, alot of GEN X'ers were just stuck having to try to find their own way in life, as well as the first Millennials like me, and it hasn't gone well for a lot of us. Alot of us fell to the addiction epidemic in this country from the late 90s, early 2000s, thru the mid to late 2010s when it caught up with so many of us and took us down. X'ers, nor Millennials either one, did a very good job with setting an example for Z'ers. I was one who was taken down by that horrible addiction epidemic, but grace and thanks be to GOD that I got saved from that hell-hole--because that's what it is. I had to draw back upon all of my original core values, morals, and beliefs that I was originally raised on as a child, and of which I abandoned through the worst of my trouble, to help pull me out of my trap, and to help reconnect myself with GOD and re-establish that relationship and to find forgiveness and redemption through our Savior in order to straighten out my life! So I owe my turn-around to GOD for refocusing me on all those core values that have always been part of who I am, and of which I turned to to begin rebuilding my life from scratch from. For me, it was a case of I never forgot those core values, I unfortunately just abandoned them for awhile through my darkest hours, but GOD is good, and HE carved out a path for me for which I was able to recover all those values again, and through which I was able to start building a new life around, and have maintained to this day, I'm proud to say! But my apologies, and I digress--the point of this was not to post a redemption story--it was more to just express the appreciation that I have for the way I was raised for someone of my generation and age group, and how I appreciate ME-TV all these years for allowing me to tap back into so many of those childhood memories through your weekly programming, and even more so, recently, the addition of ME-TV TOONS, which is the best channel I have seen added to the air in 20 years!!! So many of these cartoons I know for a fact I had not laid eyes on since the 80s, and early 90s at the most very recent, so thank u to ME-TV for adding this around-the-clock cartoon network--believe me, us adult kids out here are watching and intend to try to keep it on the air as much as we can!! LOL y'all, I was so blessed to have a childhood that more so resembled what growing up in the late 50s to early 60s must have been like. When I was born, this country wasn't too far removed from all the change we had just gone through from integration and Vietnam and Watergate, then the Jimmy Carter era, of which I was born right at the end of--so, it was like the country was still working its way out of all that change from the late 60s and 70s in 1980. But my birth and then impending childhood coincided with a major era of change--Ronald Reagan was elected President in 1980 and from there over the next two decades, the country exploded with major economic development and growth in wealth and in the business world. It took some time and was a gradual process, but I witnessed the blowup of the 80s and 90s--MTV, VH-1, big news media, cassette tapes, which later became CDs, VHS tapes and VCRs, which later became DVDS&BLU-RAY, home answering machines which later became pagers, then quickly cell phones after that, which later led to texting/instant messaging, and finally SMARTPHONES--and I witnessed the birth of the APPLE computer, which later became the WORLD WIDE WEB and gave us the Internet, which later became AOL and WINDOWS 95 & 98, and gave us e-mail/instant messaging and chat rooms, then we went to Microsoft, and for a long time, everyone had laptops then I-PADS and BLACKBERRIES, (remember those?--LOL), then finally we transitioned to Google, and our smartphones over time became more like computers and basically a replacement for laptops! And along this time too we witnessed the birth and evolvement of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok-- now in the 2020s, we have taken another leap from all of that over to A.I.!!!!!! When I think back over 30-35 years' time, its amazing to think about the evolvement and developments that this country has made in technology and in the business world. In more recent years, we have had a battle with being attempted to be knocked off of that stage of growth and development, but hopefully we are on our way back to that now, starting in 2025 and going forward......thanks for allowing me the space to share! Love ya, ME-TV, and ME-TV TOONS!!!! 🥰
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