Does this episode title belong to Emergency! or Dragnet?
Can you tell the difference?

If you prefer your television shows to be action-packed, chances are you're a fan of shows like Dragnet and Emergency! But how well do you know these riveting television series? In this quiz, we'll give you an episode title, and you have to tell us whether it belongs to the 1967 version of Dragnet, or Emergency!

"The Professor"
"The Big Neighbor"
"The Old Engine"
"The Promotion"
"The Promise"
"The Interrogation"
"The Hard Hours"
"The Big Kids"
"The Screenwriter"
"The Senior Citizen"

Does this episode title belong to Emergency! or Dragnet?
Your Result...
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I think The Screenwriter was the one about the guy who wanted to make a movie about firefighters--and Chet was the only one who'd ever heard of him...?
I think The Screenwriter was the one about the guy who wanted to make a movie about firefighters--and Chet was the only one who'd ever heard of him...?
Just the facts mam…! 9/10……! Watched them both as well as Adam 12….! Adam 12 is what made me want to be a LEO when I was old enough. My brother became a firefighter/paramedic. We were both hooked……! Grandfather was a police officer and dad was a P.I., in his younger days…..!
7/10 Watched Emergency a lot, not so much Dragnet. Emergency never listed the episode title at the beginning of the show. So, lots of guesses.
10/10 toooo easy. As for dragnet did you ever notice what a real stiff Joe Friday is? Why doesn't Joe swing his arms when he walks? He was more likeable in the 1950s version.
Never took a vacation or a day off. On his off day he sat at home reading a magazine, smoking and listening to police calls on his scanner.