Ginger or Mary Ann: Who said it?

Well, which one was it?!

 Warner Brothers

Everybody has a favorite. But regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, you can agree... Gilligan's Island just wouldn't be as good without Ginger and Mary Ann. They're both important to the show!

So, you've got eyes for them, but do you have ears?! We want to know how closely you've listened to these two characters. That's why we've devised the following quiz.

We'll name a quote, and you pick which Island lady said it. Simple, right? Be sure to share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

Watch Gilligan's Island on MeTV!

Sundays 2 & 2:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "That's not the way to blow up a volcano."
  2. "Oh, here's an old slate bracelet, an old boyfriend in high school gave me."
  3. "Gilligan, your screams scared us half to death."
  4. "For Gilligan not to know anything about anything is perfectly normal."
  5. "If we had to get marooned on an island, why didn't we pick Manhattan?"
  6. "I want Cary Grant for Christmas but I doubt Santa can fit that in my stocking."
  7. "Skipper, I wouldn't do anything rash."
  8. "I don't see how you can exercise anyway in that dress. It's so tight. I'm surprised it doesn't cut off your circulation."
  9. "I used to go with a Boy Scout, and they teach you a lot, too."
  10. "I've got time for Tom, Dick and Harry Foolery too!"

Ginger or Mary Ann: Who said it?

Your Result...

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Dario 6 hours ago
8 out of 10! Got No. 2 and No. 7 wrong. 😁😁😁😁😁
Badge714 12 days ago
The episode where Mary Ann gets amnesia and thinks she's Ginger is a great one ... Dawn Wells got to play hot for one episode.
bukhrn Badge714 11 days ago
Mary Ann was hot in every episode, those shorts drove me crazy.
holycatwoman 26 days ago
8 out 10 which is amazing since I may have watch 2 or 3 episodes
IndianaRockz 1 month ago

That's how many times I lost my usual cool & shoved Gilligan in the lagoon for bumbling our chances of being rescued. 🏝️


.....hundreds of outfits, shoes, jewelry, nailpolish, makeup taken on a "3 hour tour"
It's almost like Gilligan was a saboteur like Dr. Smith on Lost in Space.
Can you imagine if Gilligan somehow wound up on the Jupiter Two along
with Smith? The Robinsons and the Robot would have been doomed.
Oh my gosh yes!!! Dr. Smith totally gets on my nerves!!!

Just today on Gilligans Isle Ginger had a giant clamshell in her hands open like a face compact & said she was "almost out of mascara!"
Hi Indy Girl,
Yes, he is beyond annoying.
But Dr. Smith is a one of a kind, I can't imagine anyone else in the role but Harris, he threw
everything but the kitchen sink into his over the top portrayal.
Much the same applies to Joe Flynn as Captain Binghampton (McHale's Navy), they both
stole the series from the nominal star(s) and had more lines than anyone else.
Yesss, yesssss, I agree on Captain Binghampton! Love that show. The very young Tim Conway was a hoot on there to. Good, clean fun 😀
CortneyNicole 1 month ago
7/10 I've never watched or wasn't a fan of Gillian's Island...Oh well, all guesses.
sanman1970 1 month ago
9/10. Missed the last one.
cperrynaples sanman1970 1 month ago
REALLY? Mary Ann would NEVER say that...LOL!
sagafrat69 1 month ago
10 out of 10. I'd like to take a midnight swim with Ginger and hopefully a shark is not in the area of the lagoon hoping to bite our behinds off. I'd probably be a little hungry afterwards so a slice of Mary Ann's coconut cream pie would be what the doctor ordered. Then all three of us would head for the girl's hut for...a little sleep. C'mon now! Get your minds out of the gutter! Knowing Ginger she'd probably say why not? But sweet, innocent Mary Ann? No way.
She just turned 91 this past week
Yes. I just posted that in the "I'm one of my fans" story a few days ago. I would only take that swim with a young Ginger and not 91 year old Louise. Pretty scary thought.
JHP sagafrat69 13 days ago
I really could say something about a coconut cream pie but.......:)
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