Guess which show the cast of M*A*S*H is on now
There's almost more change-ups here than Klinger's wardrobe.

It felt like everybody in the world tuned in for M*A*S*H. But what about all the other TV shows this famous cast appeared on?
Below, we've snipped 12 scenes from hit shows the cast of M*A*S*H made guest appearances on both before and after their hugely popular sitcom took off.
See if you can guess every show! There's plenty of clues in each scene to help you choose if you're a savvy TV fan. Good luck!

Before he was Father Mulcahy on M*A*S*H, William Christopher played a recurring character on which sitcom shown here?
Gary Burghoff was in both the M*A*S*H movie and TV show. On which show did he play a bad guy here?
She played "Hot Lips" on M*A*S*H, but on which show did Loretta Swit strike a romance with Robert Reed?
That's Trapper John actor Wayne Rogers on the right. Which classic Western is on here?
David Ogden Stiers played the major Charles Winchester, but here he is sneaking around on the set of which show?
Jamie Farr wore a lot of hats (and dresses!) as Klinger, but on which classic sitcom shown here did he play a thieving gypsy?
Smack dab in the middle is TV star Harry Morgan, appearing on which long-running Western?
Here's David Ogden Stiers once again, this time about to settle into the couch on which classic sitcom?
Here's Jamie Farr again, this time playing a hip coffee shop dude called Itchy on which classic sitcom?
In the middle is Larry Linville, who played Major Burns on M*A*S*H. Which sitcom is he appearing on here?
Here's more Loretta Swit action, this time on which action-packed show?
Mike Farrell was one of the best late additions to the M*A*S*H cast. On which Western is he on here?

Guess which show the cast of M*A*S*H is on now
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

You got 12 out of 12
Well done! Looks like you laughed and cried with this cast both before and after M*A*S*H!
Well done! Looks like you laughed and cried with this cast both before and after M*A*S*H!
You got 11 out of 12
Well done! Looks like you laughed and cried with this cast both before and after M*A*S*H!
Well done! Looks like you laughed and cried with this cast both before and after M*A*S*H!
You got 12 out of 12
Well done! Looks like you laughed and cried with this cast both before and after M*A*S*H!
Not to not-pick, but Larry Linville was not on “The Jeffersons”, but the short lived spin-off centered on Florence, “Checking In”.
EASY! Got all 12. But may not have had they not provided so many easy background clues. Linville was also one of the many police Captains that was always irritating Kolchak the Night Stalker ( & vice versa ).
11/12, pretty easy if you looked at the background actors.
But I disagree with their BS comment about the pompous windbag Farrel being a great addition to MASH. Partisan gasbags like him, along with Alda, turned the show into a left wing propaganda series, far from how it was originally and in the film. The show should have retired after 3–4 years, not last four times as long as the war.
But I disagree with their BS comment about the pompous windbag Farrel being a great addition to MASH. Partisan gasbags like him, along with Alda, turned the show into a left wing propaganda series, far from how it was originally and in the film. The show should have retired after 3–4 years, not last four times as long as the war.
Prior to joining M*A*S*H, Jamie Farr was often type-cast as a gypsy on TV shows, due to his swarthy appearance and middle eastern ethnicity.
And THE MARY TYLER MOORE show is what lead to David Ogden Stiers getting on M*A*S*H: in between Seasons 5 and 6, producer Burt Metcalfe was home with the flu watching MTM, and saw DOS as the pompous station manager, and knew that was exactly the kind of character they needed to replace the weasely and whiney Frank Burns.
And, maybe it's just me, but I think Mike Farrell wearing that wool jeep cap in the top photo was meant to remind us that Radar was no longer on the show.
And THE MARY TYLER MOORE show is what lead to David Ogden Stiers getting on M*A*S*H: in between Seasons 5 and 6, producer Burt Metcalfe was home with the flu watching MTM, and saw DOS as the pompous station manager, and knew that was exactly the kind of character they needed to replace the weasely and whiney Frank Burns.
And, maybe it's just me, but I think Mike Farrell wearing that wool jeep cap in the top photo was meant to remind us that Radar was no longer on the show.
Not a popular opinion, but I think we could use a little less of M*A*S*H*. Give other shows a chance!