Hey, hey, can you pick the missing lyrics from the Monkees theme song?
Here they come, BLANKING down the street…

If you're making a show about a rock 'n roll band, there had better be a rocking theme song. Good thing that The Monkees delivered one of the all-time greats!
Not only was "(Theme from) The Monkees" a catchy TV tune, it was a radio hit around the world. Micky Dolenz handled the lead vocals on both the full album track and the shortened television version. Because this is a challenge, we're going to pull lyrics from the whole shebang, as it opened the 1966 debut album The Monkees.
Good luck!
Here we come, ________ down the street
We get the ________ looks, from ev'ry one we meet
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees! And people say we ________ around!
But we're too busy ________
To ________ anybody down
We don't have time to get ________
There's always something to ________
We're just tryin' to be _______
Come and watch us _______ and _______
We're the _______ generation
Just look over _______ _______
Guess who'll be _______ there
You'll never know where we'll be ________
So you'd better get ________
We may be _______ _______ your town

Hey, hey, can you pick the missing lyrics from the Monkees theme song?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.

Elvis - The Stare

Sun Record Co. - Logo

Jimi Hendrix - Woodstock

Yes - Yessongs

Elvis - Long Live the King

Elvis - Mugshot

Yes - Logo

Woodstock - Floral

Cheap Trick - Name Repeat

Pink Floyd - For Christmas

Styx - The Grand Illusion

Duran Duran - Pink Duran

Gold (CD) - ABBA

The B-52's - Rock Lobster

Tom Petty - Oh My My

Pink Floyd - DSOTM

The Rolling Stones - Mick

Guns N' Roses - AFD '87

15/15 I love The Monkees… Davy, Peter, Mike, last but not least Micky… Let’s take the last train to Clarksville…🤣
I've watched every episode of The Monkees and listened to every song so it's no wonder I got a perfect score.
13/15 I thought I would have a perfect score heard that song countless times 😎 so glad MeTV is going to be airing the show really enjoyed the 2 eps tribute to Peter💙💙 last week💜
13/15! Missed up the lyrics from the single, which is twice as long as the credits!
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I realize that you responded to this 9 days ago, but I only now came across it: You and a few other fans were having a heated debate about whether the word is "found or bound." It's neither. All you have to do, {which is obviously what I did;} is look up the lyrics. Neither of those words are in the lyrics. What Tommy Boyce & Bobby Hart wrote were: "Hey, hey we're the Monkees. and people say we Monkey around. But we're too busy singing, to put anybody down."
Later on it is ''You never know where we'll be found, so you better get ready, we're maybe coming to your town.''
Thanks MeTV for bringing back The Monkees. My son is a big fan of the band ... when he was 8 he created a video using various toys to recreate the opening sequence, which both Micky and Peter enjoyed and even showed to the audience during their 2015 tour. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out: https://youtu.be/k9Blonstzvs
Just viewed the Lego video. And like others have said, Dylan did a good job on it. Seeing as how it was downloaded 3 years ago, Dylan is probably 11 by now. Has anybody viewed the video that follows it? The video of Dylan opening up the package that he got for his birthday from Micky and Donna Dolenz? On of the items he got: a "dress" from Micky! In other words, he got a t shirt that came to his knees. {Which, if I understand correctly when the video was downloaded,} probably fits him better now!