How normal is your taste in Halloween candy?

Candy corn: yea or nay?

We love Halloween. Of course we do. It brings together candy, dressing up like our favorite characters and reminiscing about childhood.

This month we have already looked back at classic candy from the 1950s and 1960s. Now it is time to determine which treats people prefer. No tricks here. Unless you really loathe candy corn. Speaking of which, we start with that most divisive of sweets…
  1. First, the big question: What are your thoughts on candy corn?
  2. Old-timey taste test! Necco Wafers or Canada Mints?
     Images: Necco /
  3. Chewy choices! Mary Janes or Bit-O-Honey?
     Images: / Walmart
  4. Ch-ch-choose… Charleston Chew or Chick-O-Stick?
  5. Would you rather be smart or sweet?
  6. The better "butter"?
     Images: / Candy Warehouse
  7. Pick a stick.
  8. Pick a clique.
  9. How nutty are you?
     Images: Candy Warehouse
  10. Which little round niblet do you prefer?
     Images: Candy Warehouse
  11. Are Fun Size Snickers the best candy to get on Halloween?
     Image: Candy Warehouse

How normal is your taste in Halloween candy?

Your Result...

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Joe 41 months ago
CortneyNicole 41 months ago
81% similar not bad to have the best Halloween candy.
idkwut2use 66 months ago
Hmm, 90% similar, wow. Biggest problem was that I loooooove Nerds, Airheads, Smarties, & SweeTarts equally. O_o
BrianMoore 66 months ago
54% similar. Guess that's what I get for being Generation X.
Joe 66 months ago
Rickey 66 months ago
54% similar
54% similar to the most popular responses
ndebrabant 78 months ago
How normal is your taste in Halloween candy?

54% similar
54% similar to the most popular responses
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