If you can tell us what these vintage gadgets do, you're either a Boomer or a genius

You either grew up using these things, or you have no idea what they are.


Technology is meant to make our lives easier, but sometimes we look at a gadget that used to be state-of-the-art in previous decades, and you just can't see the appeal. We've taken a few magazine advertisements from the 1960s and 1970s catalogs, and in this quiz, we'll be showing you an object and it's your responsibility to tell us what the heck it's for!

  1. What does this thing do?
  2. What does this thing do?
  3. What does this thing do?
  4. What does this thing do?
  5. What does this thing do?
  6. What does this thing do?
  7. What does this thing do?
  8. What does this thing do?
  9. What does this thing do?
  10. What does this thing do?
  11. What does this thing do?
  12. What does this thing do?
  13. What does this thing do?
  14. What does this thing do?

If you can tell us what these vintage gadgets do, you're either a Boomer or a genius

Your Result...

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TheFanFromUNCLE 20 days ago
13/14. I don't smoke so I had no idea.
72doug 6 months ago
13/14! number 8 ruined my perfect score.
tbrian 13 months ago
You got 13 out of 14, as a Gen X'er

Missed the lighter question.
csonka71 15 months ago
I'm too young to be a boomer. Guess I'm a Genius. 13/14. Lol. Misses the lighter question. ❤️ how they threw that one in there. God forbid people smoked cigarettes then. Lol. Old school gadgets. Love the hairdryer & syler. 2 in 1. Lol.
Moverfan 15 months ago
13/14. My mom had a hair dryer like that when I was in grade school--I loved sitting at the kitchen table in my robe with the bonnet on my head and the warm air blowing down my neck, especially during a Michigan winter. She had the hot rollers later on, but they usually sat on a closet shelf--she preferred the curlers she kept in a coffee can on her dresser. I had a labelmaker...in fact, I may have gone through two or three of them. Not sure if we ever had the face scrubber thing (although I knew it as soon as I saw it) and I've never seen that so-called cigarette lighter in my life!
GMACARVER7 15 months ago
13/14 missed number 8 the cigarette lighter
andrewandrewandrew 15 months ago
13/14 Should have been 14 🤓
I am 58 yrs old
Gossemer 15 months ago
13/14 missed the cigarette lighter, dont smoke. But I have owned many of those gadgets myself, this quiz brings back alot of memories. I would love to play an 8 track right now. Fun thanks.
Barryward 15 months ago
Got them all used and remembered them all. I guess in some ways old is good barry
Tresix 15 months ago
13/14. The cigarette lighter seems to be what stumped everyone.
BradBeall 15 months ago
Does anyone out there have one of those radio / toilet-paper dispensers for sale? I want one... just because.
RickeyH 15 months ago
14 out of 14. The cigarette lighter was a guess, I've never seen one that looked like that, the picture was too small for me to see very well, I didn't know for sure what it was.
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