Is it too early to start celebrating Christmas?
Are your days merry and bright?

How soon is too soon to celebrate Christmas? Are you someone who sets up a Christmas tree right after Halloween, or are you waiting until December 24th to acknowledge the season? In this survey, we're painting some seasonal scenarios, and it's your job to tell us whether you're keen on them or not!
You see that your neighbor has already set up this Christmas tree.
You open your door to find a group of carolers singing to you.
A friend asks you if you've made your Christmas list this year.
Your favorite department store is selling Christmas decorations.
Your grandma wants to bake Christmas cookies with you!
Your coworkers have invited you to participate in Secret Santa at the office.
Your favorite television channel has begun playing old Christmas movies.
The local neighborhood kids want to build a snowman outside.
Santa wants to know if you've been naughty or nice.
A family member says that they already have a Christmas gift picked out for you.

Is it too early to start celebrating Christmas?
Your Result...
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I love Christmas but sometimes they do it earlier after Thanksgiving like Black Friday shopping is a total chaos. So I'll wait for it afterwards.
I love Christmas but sometimes they do it earlier after Thanksgiving like Black Friday shopping is a total chaos. So I'll wait for it afterwards.
The Halloween candy isn't even cold yet, and already, there's Christmas. Heck, I've seen Christmas stuff BEFORE Halloween yet. No. Wait until the day after Thanksgiving! I'm sick of people pushing the Christmas season.
50% similar. I love Christmas and am known as an early shopper ( little bits throughout the year for budget's sake) but keep it in its place. It feels like this country goes from one gimme holiday to another with little stop in between for giving any thanks. Even that one day of gratitude invariably gets crowded out by football and shopping these days.
If the neighbors want to decorate early, okay. But I am not going to even think of Christmas/the Holidays until after Thanksgiving. If I see a good sale I may buy a few gifts early to save money and time. Baking for the Holidays a bit early may be helpful if you’re giving away treats as gifts, you can freeze them. Otherwise, stop the early push for Christmas already! (70%).
True story. Was working retail down here is SOFL in 2015, it was the week of Veteran's Day, and a customer got upset at me because he said 'Merry Xmas" and I wouldn't say it back to him. We had to call a manager who said he couldn't make me say it, and found out later the customer had called corporate. (and nothing came of it) So, wherever you are my friend, Happy Holidays!
If it’s before Thanksgiving (and DEFINITELY before Halloween), then it’s too early! That’s my story, and I’m sticking with it.
Thee goofy-est quiz ever?!
Am not a scrooge...but there is time for everything - for those non-scrooges - go to a store and enjoy Christmas decos in june (for C'c sakes) - all this early Christmas pimping has NOTHING! to do with the holiday - it has to do with he almighty dollar...
Thee goofy-est quiz ever?!
Am not a scrooge...but there is time for everything - for those non-scrooges - go to a store and enjoy Christmas decos in june (for C'c sakes) - all this early Christmas pimping has NOTHING! to do with the holiday - it has to do with he almighty dollar...