Match these Eighties fast food uniforms to the right restaurants

Start strong or you'll have to ketchup.


When we were young, we once had a job at a movie theater where we had to dress like Love Boat employees, epaulets and all. Today, most franchises ask their workers to wear polo shirts. Decades ago, uniforms were far more colorful.

If you worked in the fast-food industry in the 1980s, odds are you went to work wearing burger browns, ketchup reds, mustard yellows or sky blues.

The following smiling faces all come from advertisements that ran in the Eighties. See if you can match the uniforms to the correct chains!

  1. Hey, it's Megan Mullally of 'Will & Grace'! Where is she working in this '80s commercial?
  2. And here is Lori Loughlin from 'Full House'! Where is she working wearing that brown bow tie?
  3. Which employees wore this red getup with the yellow trim?
  4. Where could you find smiling help of this stripe?
  5. These workers wore stripes "overall."
  6. Which workers wore this brown-yellow-orange uniform?
  7. She is wearing a sunny yellow and a sunny smile behind which counter?
  8. Place these employees and manager with the paper caps into the correct restaurant.
  9. These two are sporting a striped brown bonnet and matching shirt for which chain?
  10. Finally, this fellow with a diagonal stripe was promoting Rainbow Brite Sprites that came with meals at…?

Match these Eighties fast food uniforms to the right restaurants

Your Result...

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DerekBird 47 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Win or lose, we bet you are feeling a little snacky right now.
PeterPaps 50 months ago
I did pretty good! I scored 6 out of 10 lol. Not so good really. Check out some of the eighties quizzes. Here over at
frenchman71 57 months ago
I bombed this one...5/10. But I ate all their food. Jack-in-the-Box had the best burger but I can't remember the name of it. It was in 1980 and I was living in Seattle at the time.
espalmer 58 months ago
5/10. My town only had a McDonalds even that was 1/2 an hour away, and we only went when we got the coupons from Treat or Treating. Mostly guessed.
Dario 58 months ago
9 out of 10! I missed Question 2. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
pel5087 58 months ago
3 of 10 and I guessed at 2 of them. Though mom wasn't a great cook we still didn't go out much. (actually pizza was our big weekend treat).😊
DawnGraham 58 months ago
Remember trying to keep that darn scarf on my head at Taco Bell. Rinsing the uniforms out in the tub every night, so the grease wouldn't clog the washer. Lot's of hot, hard work.
lmahabhashyam 58 months ago
A couple of them brought back bad memories, hard work, polyester uniforms that were very hot and always smelled bad and the pay was bad.
jimmyvici 58 months ago
4/10......epic fail. Never knew McDonald’s had blue costumes. Crazy!
jimmyvici 58 months ago
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hermanstein2015 59 months ago
You got 4 out of 10
Win or lose, we bet you are feeling a little snacky right now. How did they know lol?
AllisonWunderland 59 months ago
Missed #7....I didn't remember that uniform at all 🤷‍♀️😂
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