Pick: What would you watch on TV in 1976?

Columbo, M*A*S*H, Mary Tyler Moore… what a groovy year!


It's time once again to pick up our magic remote control and head back in time!

We are traveling to the year 1976, a peak era for variety shows and sitcoms. Prepare to jump around the days and months of that big Bicentennial year, as we explore the wonderful television on offer.

There's one catch — you can only watch one show at a time. No VCRs, no DVRs. 

So, what will you watch? See how your picks compare to other viewers!

Watch M*A*S*H on MeTV!

Weeknights at 6 PM, Sundays at 7 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. We arrive on a Sunday, January 11. It is was bitter winter, so what better excuse to stay in and watch TV! What will it be at 7PM?
  2. We leap forward to another Sunday, November 28, at 8PM. What'll it be?
  3. Zap! We now skip to Monday, November 22, at 8PM. Here are the choices.
  4. Hopping back to September 21, a Tuesday. It is 8PM and the networks are offering…
  5. Boo! We jump forward to Halloween week. It's another Tuesday, October 26, 9PM. Pick a treat.
  6. A day later, Wednesday, October 27. The time is 8PM. What'll you watch?
  7. Let's stay in the week. It's now Thursday, October 28. Select an option at 8PM.
  8. Later that same evening, at 10pm…
  9. A small skip forward to Friday, November 5, at 8PM.
  10. Wait, we missed Halloween weekend. Go back to October 30. You're having a Saturday evening party. Turn the TV on at 8PM to…
  11. Back a week to Saturday, October 23. This is the selection at 9PM.
  12. Oh, we forgot Saturday morning cartoons! Good thing we have a time machine. Pick a cartoon at 9:30AM.
  13. There were live-action shows on Saturday morning, too. Like all of these at 11am!

Pick: What would you watch on TV in 1976?

Your Result...

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Dario 4 months ago
57% similar. 😁😁😁😁😁
Senese53 20 months ago
some of these shows i watched in reruns more the original time
RedSamRackham Senese53 6 months ago
* Some of my choices were least of 3 evils!
Hoonit 20 months ago
I scored 66%. There should have been a fourth choice "Turned off the TV and went outside/read a book.
Steve 29 months ago
Umph. No wonder that was the year I cut way back on my TV watching. Things really took a nose dive in the late 70s, didn't they?
ruswilinc Steve 29 months ago
Same here. Turned 18, graduated high school, and got a job working nights.
RachelR 29 months ago
They need a "none of the above" option.
RedSamRackham RachelR 6 months ago
* Indeed! For some I merely selected least of 3 evils!
RachelR 29 months ago
Wow...I'm only 60% similar. 😏
Snickers 33 months ago
63% similar. Wouldn't watch most of these shows.
34 months ago
I was in love with Donny Ismond and the cute brown haired guy from Emergency so I watched those and I never missed an episode of The Waltons.
SheriHeffner 34 months ago
Dario 36 months ago
55% similar. 😁😁😁😁😁
DerekBird 36 months ago
65% similar
65% similar to the most popular responses
scwilson 45 months ago
The Six Million Dollar Man was big in the '70's.
Kelley1 46 months ago
I would like to see Me TV get any of the Pink Panther cartoons. I believe Little House is overdone, but that may be because it has made the rounds on cable and we cut that cord last year.
Kelley1 34 months ago
Whiny wussie crybaby Michael Landon got on my last nerves.
RachelR SheriHeffner 29 months ago
I loved Charles Ingalls.
RedSamRackham 6 months ago
* B-b-but we liked him on Bonanza and Highway To Heaven!
BrianMoore 57 months ago
60% similar and I wasn't even alive at this time.
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