Pick: What would you watch on TV in 1978?

So many superheroes and super sitcoms!

Are you ready to groove back to 1978? Well, we have a remote control that happens to be a time machine, too. It's was the disco era — which meant seeing ABBA perform live. It was also an era of superheroes, much like today, with Wonder Woman and the big green guy. Space was hot, thanks to Star Wars. Charlie's Angels and Hawaii Five-O were fighting crime.

All of this sounds a lot like today, honestly. 

So let's see what you would watch in this popular era of pop culture. How do your tastes compare to others?
  1. We begin on a Friday night. It's November 24, 8PM. There's a brand new sitcom, a superhero and singing siblings.
  2. We now jump to Friday at 9PM, only it's January 27. What'll it be?
  3. Saturday morning is the greatest morning of them all. What cartoon will you be watching at 9:30AM?
     Image: Warner Bros.
  4. We land on a Saturday in spring at 8PM. Pick something.
  5. Zoom! It's now November 18, still a Saturday, at 8PM. Which option do you fancy?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television
  6. Sunday night is for families. The holidays season is here. It's December 17. Will it be the story of flight… or flying in space?
  7. Back to work on Monday. But now it's 8PM and there is great TV to be seen.
  8. Here were are on a Tuesday, 8PM, on February 7. Which looks best to you?
  9. Hey, hey, it's Hump Day! Wednesday at 8PM, November 15, specifically. Tune in to one of these.
  10. Same exact evening, an hour later. Will you get up to change the channel at 9PM?
  11. Now it is Thursday at 8PM. You looking for laughs, warmth or eerie tales?
     Image: CBS Television Distribution
  12. We finish on a Thursday at 9PM. Choose a crime-solver — dramatic or comedic?

Pick: What would you watch on TV in 1978?

Your Result...

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RachelR 16 months ago
Only 54% similar...mostly because I never liked Happy Days. 🤨
WilliamJorns 19 months ago
ABBA wasn't just disco. Their brand of music was often referred to as "Euro-pop," because they were part of the European pop music scene when they debuted in the mid-70's.
scwilson 52 months ago
I was a little kid then and remember the Super hero shows Wonder Woman and The Incredible Hulk. Happy Days and the Fonz appealed to a seven year old.
LarryMorrill 56 months ago
So quaint - we seldom had all three networks available at a given time. We had to use a motor to turn the antenna on our 40 ft tower to get a given staation.
Gary 56 months ago
Last question I wish I could give them one vote each!!! 5-0, Barney and Quincy tough vote!!
DerekBird 56 months ago
62% similar
62% similar to the most popular responses
Amalthea 56 months ago
I actually remember the TV movie "Bud and Lou". I watched it with my mother.
Runeshaper 66 months ago
82% similar
82% similar to the most popular responses
Amalthea 67 months ago
I actually remember my mother & I watching "Bud & Lou".
WILD 69 months ago
62% similar
62% similar to the most popular responses.
KatHat 75 months ago
I got 62%. Hmmm. not sure if these shows were really on at the same time, I remember watching so many of them and not having to make such a tough choice back then!
MichaelNivens KatHat 66 months ago
Hulk beats Rockford Files - gimme a break -Plus, I liked WKRP ,but I highly doubt It beats Little House-this must be skewed a little for MeTv , if not outright rigged
CruiseGirl4Life 75 months ago
68% I remember tuning into Mork & Mindy just to watch Robin Williams do the dance!
* But jumped the shark with the Mearth episodes. ♣
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