Pretend you're shopping in the 1980s and tell us which gifts are on your wish list!

It's the 1980s, and you're in charge of holiday shopping! What's at the top of your totally rad wish list?


Picture this: It’s the 1980s, and you’ve just walked into a store for some holiday shopping. The air is filled with the unmistakable scent of hairspray, and the shelves are stacked with totally tubular gifts.

The choices are endless, and you’re in charge of picking out a few items for yourself or someone else. You’ll get to pick from a few iconic items in every aisle — from shoes and windbreakers to leg warmers and retro radios. The decision is yours! 

Feeling inspired to bring some '80s vibes into your holiday shopping? Check out the MeTV Mall for a blast from the past that’s perfect for all the nostalgic shoppers out there! 

  1. Which popular doll or action figure would you want to own or give as a gift if you were shopping in the 1980s?
  2. Scenario: You’re doing some Black Friday shopping in the 1980s. You stop in the board game aisle. Which game or puzzle are you grabbing first?
  3. Which popular brand of shoes would you want to wear in the 1980s?
  4. Moving on to the electronics aisle! Which of these trendy electronics would be on your holiday shopping wish list?
  5. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or someone else, which type of 1980s clothing would you most likely buy?
  6. For the gamers in your life: Which popular 1980s video game are you hunting for?
  7. Which 1980s album is number one on your holiday shopping wish list?
  8. Which 1980s movie is number one on your holiday shopping wish list?
  9. These health and fitness fads took the world by storm in the '80s. Which one are you shopping for?
  10. Every kid and adult alike needs a creative outlet! Which of these super ’80s arts and crafts gifts are you grabbing?
  11. All of these books are good reads, but which one made it to the top of your '80s shopping list?
  12. Once the weather gets warmer, you'll need a gift for some outdoor fun! Which of these items are at the top of your wish list?

Pretend you're shopping in the 1980s and tell us which gifts are on your wish list!

Your Result...

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Blcakandwhitetvfan 2 months ago
Etch a Sketch and Spirograph were 1960s items, NOT 1980s.
JERRY6 2 months ago
none of the above would be my choice for 85% of the questions
JHP 2 months ago

didn't think the "clue" pick (#2) or Remain In Light would be popular
theFAN2000 2 months ago
A weird quiz. First off trying to decide if I should pick from how I thought/wanted then or now. Also, some were more kid based and some more teen or adult. Any fashion I did not care about then at all and now just barely a bit more. Finally there is the "is it for me or for someone else" as that varies especially if the other is a female. Still, it was a fun walk down memory lane.
Katzi 2 months ago
Slip & slides are dangerous :-( We had one & my brother broke a tooth on it
JHP Katzi 2 months ago
remember Lawn Darts? That was a super game to be super careful
FlaFeral 2 months ago
64% Oi! Those crafts were 70's and before! But Shrinky Dinks Rule! I mean, every kid oughta grow up having an equal shot to trash their parents oven, like my brother and I did! 😂😂😂
JHP FlaFeral 2 months ago
my parents were away - bro and i were maybe 12 (me) and him 8...we decided to make popcorn the old fashioned way - with the kernels and the kettle...but no oil. YIKES!
jvf 2 months ago
For #2, Rubik's Cube is not a board game. It's a puzzle.
clovergirl jvf 2 months ago
The question does state "game or puzzle".
jvf clovergirl 2 months ago
I could have sworn it said just board games when I filled out the quiz.
Snickers 2 months ago
60% similar. More of a survey than a quiz. Asks what would be on my wish list and I choose what I would want.
geatornez82 2 months ago
My first My Little Ponies were for Christmas. Crayola Crayons were always a must, along with Coloring Books. I'm a little disappointed not to see Care Bears on this list, though.
Sally 2 months ago
45% similar. But I mostly had my kids in mind while shopping. G.I. Joe and roller blades for my son. Polaroid camera and Swatch watches for my daughters. Crayons and Berenstain Bears books for my youngest.
Katret 2 months ago
Only 33%
I still have my walkman but now listen to BTS on YouTube and Spotify
SalIanni 2 months ago
For the last question, #12, I chose the sports gear but I would not buy baseball/football/basketball stuff. I would go straight to the hockey equipment!
KawiVulc 2 months ago
53%. #1 - G.I. Joe - they started making the 12" Joe's again around then. #7 would have been another NOTA if it wasn't for Back In Black!
Kaydee 2 months ago
60% similar I was never a good skater
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