You can only invite ONE of these fictional characters to your Friendsgiving — who will it be?

We're putting you in charge of the guest list!


Congratulations, you've been chosen to host this year's Friendsgiving! The good news is, we've already got a list of potential guests. The bad news is, you have a limited number of invitations to send out for this party. In this quiz, we're choosing some of our favorite classic television characters, and you need to choose one to invite to your annual Friendsgiving!

  1. You may invite ONE character from The Andy Griffith Show to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  2. You may invite ONE character from All in the Family to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  3. You may invite ONE character from The Waltons to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  4. You may invite ONE character from Batman to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  5. You may invite ONE character from The Brady Bunch to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  6. You may invite ONE character from Bonanza to your Friendsgiving Who will it be?
  7. You may invite ONE character from The Dick Van Dyke Show to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  8. You may invite ONE character from Green Acres to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  9. You may invite ONE character from Gilligan's Island to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?
  10. You may invite ONE character from Happy Days to your Friendsgiving. Who will it be?

You can only invite ONE of these fictional characters to your Friendsgiving — who will it be?

Your Result...

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SheriHeffner 3 months ago
I would invite Mary Ann to my dinner.
Ajax 3 months ago
I want Lorne Greene and Betty White to come back to do the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for NBC !
cinamac 3 months ago
Forget Friendsgiving…I would invite ONLY one MeTV fictional character to an intimate Thanksgiving dinner: Perry Mason!!!😍
bukhrn 3 months ago
Totally disappointed in #9, No Mary Ann, are you kidding ?
StrayCat bukhrn 3 months ago
No Ginger either. Geez.
Charleshorse 3 months ago
I would choose HOSS Cartwright! Why wasn't he a choice?
KentuckyPhil69 4 months ago
Out of all the choices, I'd invite Mary Ann over anybody!!😘
Dawn Wells used to live on my beach back in the early 2000s. I would see her walking sometimes. We said hello once. She was actually kind of shy.
krpurtell 4 months ago
Why would you invite Gilligan? There would be a kitchen mishap & the house would burn down.
The Professor, OTOH, would hook up your Bose Stereo System, and Zenith TV Phone.
deltadart 4 months ago
38% How about Judy and Will Robinson, Dr. Smith and Jed Clampett.
It's always nice to have a Child as part of the Thanksgiving celebration.
Bless their little hearts!
Ratt1959 4 months ago
83% similar, though I think having them all over would be a blast.
Kaydee 4 months ago
72% I wouldn't feel comfortable having Fonzie over my house. He's too arrogant for me with the snapping his fingers, looking for my wife to serve him the cranberry sauce. Looking to be catered to the entire evening with his feet on my couch Nah! Lol
Runeshaper 4 months ago
51% similar - this event with these guests would make for an EPIC Thanksgiving!
TammyMeador 4 months ago
76% similar to the most popular responses😊
DeborahRoberts 4 months ago
Why can't I invite Hoss? What is Friendsgiving?
He would have been my choice too😊
DawnieRotten 4 months ago
'Friendsgiving' is NOT A THING!!!

It's called THANKSGIVING!!!!

STOP trying to SOCIAL ENGINEER people!
krpurtell DawnieRotten 4 months ago
Friendsgiving is diner with your Chosen Family instead of your Blood Relations.
JHP 4 months ago
18 % ter - #1.....NONE of thee above. Kinda had a mild crush on Olivia W
ElizabethBoop JHP 4 months ago
And for that reason, I'd invite 99 long before I'd have Maxwell Smart or the Chief (Siegfried might actually be fun to have at the table, though).
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