Which album by these classic rock bands is your favorite?
Pick your favorite album by each of these bands!

Here's the situation: You're at the world's greatest record store, where they have every great album by every fantastic classic rock band. We're talking all the best cuts from the '60s, '70s, and '80s. You've got an unlimited gift card, so feel free to add anything you can grab to your cart.
This is the catch, though: You can only have one album by each artist. Sure, it'll make for some tough choices, but we're talking VINYL RECORDS here. If you picked all of 'em, you'd throw your back out lifting 'em!
Choose one album by each band, and see how similar your opinions are to those of your MeTV neighbors! Let us know what we've missed in the comments, and share your thoughts and feelings as well!
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Grateful Dead
Black Sabbath
Led Zeppelin
The Who
Pink Floyd
The Doors
Van Halen
The Police

Which album by these classic rock bands is your favorite?
Your Result...
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I think Levon and Border Song (which I had heard of, but never heard until I got this tape) are absolutely incredible.