The Experts-Only Beatles lyrics quiz

"I want to hold your _____."


It was 20 years ago today

Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play

They've been going in and out of style

But they're guaranteed to raise a smile

So may I introduce to you

A quiz wherein you'll be presented with the first portion of a Beatles lyric, with some crucial words omitted. It's up to you, O Beatle devotee, to fill in the blanks so we can get back on track remembering some of our favorite tunes from yesteryear. 

Are you an expert? Have you made a pilgrimage to Liverpool? Leave your score and stories about the Beatles in the comments section below!

The Experts-Only Beatles lyrics quiz

Your Result...

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ThomasPotter 11 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
John, George, Paul, Ringo... and YOU! Well done! You're the fifth Beatle now, and you'll begin to receive royalty checks shortly (just kidding, please don't expect Beatles royalty checks).
Easy for me, I was a Beatles fan since being a young lad.,
JeffPaul76 17 months ago
"You got 7 out of 10 ----John, George, Paul, Ringo... and YOU! Well done! You're the fifth Beatle now, and you'll begin to receive checks shortly (just kidding, please don't expect Beatles royalty checks.) ----I got 6, 9, and 10 wrong.
trogg888 17 months ago
I learned to sing listening to their records.had all their albumns the day they came out
Mark 17 months ago
9 out of 10...the only one I missed was "Come Together", which is one of my least favorite Beatles songs.
Tresix 17 months ago
8/10, did better with this one than part two.
Catman 17 months ago
No challenge! It's good to be back.
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Moverfan 17 months ago
Nothing to do with the Beatles, but I discovered sort of the same thing with the original Wiggles lineup. List the guys in order of height and you have Greg (6'5"), Murray (6'4"), Anthony (6'0") and Jeff (5'10"). Want to list them from oldest to youngest instead? Just have Jeff (1953) and Greg (1972) change places (Murray was born in 1960, Anthony in 1963).
SusanTammy 18 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
John, George, Paul, Ringo... and YOU! Well done! You're the fifth Beatle now, and you'll begin to receive royalty checks shortly (just kidding, please don't expect Beatles royalty checks).
IndianaRockz 18 months ago
8/10 & I'm ok with that, goo goo g'joob.
cperrynaples IndianaRockz 18 months ago
I Am The Walrus wasn't in the quiz, but that's a good one for Part 2!
But it was. Don't you think the joker laughs at you is from I am the Walrus.
WayneKeith cperrynaples 16 months ago
#10 was Walrus
pony 18 months ago
10/10. Not sure that "Experts Only" tag is accurate.
Jerryfan 18 months ago
10 out of 10. I have to admit that I loved the one about the toupee.
cperrynaples Jerryfan 18 months ago
Well, it made me wonder if Paul's mop top was real...LOL
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