The Experts-Only Dick Van Dyke Show Quiz

This one might be a little tough!

 Genesis International

Step over the ottoman with our expert-level trivia quiz about The Dick Van Dyke Show. This quiz tests your knowledge of the sitcom's deep cuts. Every question dives into some intricate details, so don't be discouraged if you miss a few.

But, if you score well... Then you carry the honorable tag of Dick Van Dyke Show expert. Be sure to brag to your friends! 

  1. Rob Petrie has a brother named...
  2. Rob served in the military at...
  3. What was Rob's rank?
  4. What is Laura's maiden name?
  5. How old was Laura when she met Rob?
  6. What's Buddy Sorrell's real first name?
  7. Buddy owns a large German Shepherd named...
  8. Sally frequently mentions her Aunt Agnes in...
  9. What is Ritchie's middle name?
  10. The Petries' next-door neighbor, Millie, is Laura's best friend from their time together...

The Experts-Only Dick Van Dyke Show Quiz

Your Result...

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maxh22 6 months ago
10/10. I’m 16 and watch “The Dick Van Dyke Show” religiously
ClassicTVRocks 7 months ago
10/10 I got all of them right on the tough quiz, I still Love to watch Dick Van Dyke Show!!!
MikefromJersey 7 months ago
"You got 10 out of 10. Outta sight! Well done."

Live long and prosper, Dick Van Dyke, 98 years young.
AllisonWunderland 7 months ago
4/10…Eeek! 😬
Oh my, no walnuts for you from Laura's stash in the front hall closet.
ElizabethBoop 7 months ago
A slight correction: at different times during the series, Laura's maiden name was variously given as both Meehan and Meeker.

And now, a real tough one I've been wondering about for years. We all know that Mel got his job because he's Alan Brady's brother-in-law. But more specifically, is that because Mel is married to Alan's sister, or is Alan married to Mel's sister?
Mel is married to Alan's sister. They do mention it from time to time on different episodes.
Most shows have a series "Bible" or history, which the writers, both old and new ones, can consult.
While Mel is generally said to be married to Alan's sister, in at least one episode they have
Alan married to Mel's sister. This caused me much confusion till I started writing down each time
the relationship was mentioned/defined and I noticed the writers weren't consistent on the subject.
This isn't unusual on TV series, Mister Parker's hometown in McHales Navy changes.
JERRY6 7 months ago
7 of 10 not bad I know Penis Von Lesbian well
MikefromJersey JERRY6 7 months ago
What are you talking about???
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