The ultimate Brady Bunch ''this or that'' quiz
We want to know who your favorite Brady is!

It's time to share with the world your tightly-held Brady Bunch opinions. Because here's the thing — Brady opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody's got one.
So let's get to it with a no-holds-barred Brady belief slamfest. Don't hold back; let fly those deep-rooted opinions about Carol and Co.
And why stop there? Be sure to share your favorite Brady moments and memories in the comment section below.

Choose your Brady.
How do you prefer your Alice?
Cousin Oliver... Yay or nay?
What's your favorite Brady vacation destination?
Who is Tiger to you?
Do you have a favorite Brady season?
Choose your favorite spin-off
Which is your favorite sequel movie?
Favorite film adaptation?
which actor had the best fashion sense?

The ultimate Brady Bunch ''this or that'' quiz
Your Result...
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When I was ten I thought the Brady Bunch was the greatest show on tv. When I turned thirteen in 1973, I had already figured out how bad this show had become. It seems the older Sherwood Schwartz got , the worse his taste in what was good had completely diminished.
In question #10, Christopher's last name is misspelled. It should be Knight, not Night. Gee whiz!
The ultimate Brady Bunch ''this or that'' quiz
51% similar
51% similar to the most popular responses
51% similar
51% similar to the most popular responses
80% similar. My favorite Brady Bunch season is definitely season 5. So many great and funny episodes: Getting Greg's Goat, The Cincinnatti Kids (my favorite episode; it's so sweet), Marcia Gets Creamed, Two Petes in a Pod, etc. I also like many shows in season 4: Goodbye Alice Hello, The Subject Was Noses, How to Succeed in Business, A Room at the Top. But Season 4 can't be my favorite season because I hate the Hawaii episodes. I'm terrified of spiders.
80% similar. My favorite was Jan because she got super hot the last 2 seasons. And Peter would be cool to hang with.
What 12% of y'all are picking yea to Cousin Oliver??
They shoulda never brought his character into the show. And for years everyone busted his chops on looking like a young John Denver.
84% similar to the most popular responses
My favorite episode, ummm Christmas from the first season
My favorite episode, ummm Christmas from the first season