Tell us your soda opinions!
Aaaaaah, now that's a refreshing poll!

Nothing quenches one's thirst on a hot summer's day like a cold bottle of nostalgic soda. But... Here's the thing. Plenty of people have their own special soda preferences. They can't all be right, objectively!
So here's what we need: We're going to prompt you with a few beverage-related multiple-choice questions. Your job is to select the answer that best pertains to you! Don't worry, there's no wrong or right answer. We just want to know what's true for you, so be sure to share your thoughts and your carbonated memories in the comments section below!
Out of these regular colas, choose your favorite:
How about a lemon-lime soda?
Now choose an orange soda!
Here's where things will get contentious. Choose a root beer.
And now some miscellaneous choices.
How do you prefer your soda?
Which of these extra features is most important to you in a soda?

Tell us your soda opinions!
Your Result...
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Also, why didn't they take the opportunity to ask what you call soda? Is it soda? Pop? Soda pop? Sodi pop?