Do you miss these dead brands?
Which of these defunct companies would you bring back?

Pour one out for these iconic consumer brands that are no longer with us.
Sure, brands are companies and not people, but we can still love 'em! They might not have our best interest at heart, but forget that, because we can attach some very real feelings to brands. Loyalty, trust, excitement, longing. You name it, and there are brands that have manipulated us until we've felt it.
So let's take a look back on these brands so you can tell us ones you miss having around. They're not going to all tug at your heartstrings, but let us know which ones do. Please feel free to share any thoughts and memories in the comments sections below.
Pan Am
F.W. Woolworth
Tower Records
Howard Johnson's Restaurants
Border's Bookstores

Do you miss these dead brands?
Your Result...
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Quisp cereal is still sold but in very small boxes now
I miss Kmart, Kresge, Zayre, Venture including their Glemby Int'l walk-in hair salon, Montgomery Ward, Sears, Carson Pirie Scott, Marshall Fields, Woolworths, Woolco, Ben Franklin dime store, Newberrys, McCrorys, Fashion Bug, & having a Tastee Freez in my area.
My Dad bought a bike for me one year when I was young. He wasn’t super mechanical, but, he probably wanted to save $$$, so we got a bike in pieces.
So ………….. I never got a bike that truly worked. Oh well, that was part of “ Monkey Wards” in our family.
My Dad was a Marine Corps Fighter Pilot and instructor in WWII, so he had confidence, but not nuts and bolts mechanical. More special awareness.
to our family car before our road-trip vacations. It used to try my Mom’s patience, but, it did seem to keep us safe on our trips. My Dad always said, “ Well if you have mechanical difficulties in an airplane, you can’t just pull over on a cloud !” My Dad was a minor league baseball player for the Boston RedSox, so he taught me a lot about the sport. My Mom was from Hawaii and sang & danced with a USO group during WWII.
He gave me my love of nature and baseball and she gave me my love of cooking & music/dancing.
So our parents do live on through us in our hearts and minds.
I liked Quisp cereal....ate my share and then some of it.
phones constantly. Geesh !!!!! 🙄
I miss the Blue Chip and Green Chip stamp redemption places. I helped my grandmother put a lot of her stamp books together when I was a kid.