Tweety Trivia: How well do you know the legendary bird?
It's Tweety Trivia time! How well do you know the famous bird?

In 1942, the world saw a new character that would be held close to many hearts for generations to come. Tweety made his first appearance in the short A Tale of Two Kitties, where the canary bird fought to get away from two fierce cats, Babbit and Castello.
Created by Bob Clampett, Tweety wasn't a regular type of bird. He lived outdoors, right in nature, and didn't wear clothes. When Friz Freleng took over, he altered the bird's look close to the one we see today. Freleng made the bird's eyelashes longer along with other details.

What was Tweety's original eye color?
What was Tweety's original name?
Which animated short did Tweety win an Academy Award for?
What is Tweety's most known rival's name?
Who often helps Tweety when his rival tries to get him?
Which movie did Tweety make a cameo in?
Why was Tweety's aggressiveness toned down in later animated shorts?
Which actor originally voiced Tweety?
Which 1996 film did Tweety appear in?
What is Tweety signature catchphrase?

Tweety Trivia: How well do you know the legendary bird?
Your Result...
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I love the episode where Sylvester is chasing Tweety and concocts a gadget with fans so he can fly. Tweety, on the other hand, is standing by the electrical outlet. Sylvester sees him, shakes his head "No". Tweety gets this funny look on his face, shakes his head "yes" and pulls the plug. You just don't see that kind of fun in today's cartoons. Everything has to be perfect so everything balances itself out. As a kid of the days with the old cartoons, I don't think it did any harm to any kid. Nor would it today. It was just plain fun! Oh well, I digress.
I never liked Tweety, an indolent parasite living off little old ladies. Sylvester on the other
hand was a hard working family man, just trying to scratch out a living for his wife and
son. Tweety would have made for a fine Sunday dinner, stuffed with bread and raisins,
with sides of yams, green beans, parker house rolls, and a couple of Aunt Bee's pickles.
And since hunter Elmer Fudd never seems able to bag any game, Sylvester could
invite him over to share the feast.
I did go to Mason's office looking for a job but Perry was in conference with Chief of
Detectives Ironside.
LOONEY TUNES and all related characters are ™ of & © WBEI
Let's celebrate this iconic bird every day!
Requiem for a Heavyweight (1962)-Drama --Sport
Ralph Nelson
Rod Serling (teleplay)
Anthony Quinn---Jackie Gleason---Mickey Rooney---
Julie Harris--- Jack Dempsey---Muhammad Ali---
Madame Spivy---
Since you've been gone I have picked up 3 times as many movies then before. Though losing many when deleted from IA. So if you ever click on one and doesn't go to the flick that's the reason. This last one was the first I've had 6 quizzers guessing in over a year. It's been 4 until you came home and Pacificsun decided to play again 2 weeks ago. I try and keep the movies in different genres. Some do not like a few but you can't please everyone. Though group is full of wonderful people.
I would if like certain movies keep a spread sheet of them in alphabetical order. I use what is called Google Sheets (free) and have 1200 listings.
A. Column I put the name of the movie , year and a comment or two
Example-The Sandlot (1993) 1.4G extra copy
B. Column-I put the address of the movie
C. This is the URL address for watching or downloading
Some of them are very long in length (done by the uploader) You can change the size of the columns using the G Sheets program. Actually it would work for most anything you wish to save.
Though downloading takes a lot of space. Each movie is from 1/2 Gig to 3 G. So mainly I only downloaded 20 or so of them and keep the rest on file in hope they are not deleted at the source. If you have any questions on anything just ask. I hope your wife Tessa is doing well. How long will you be staying until return to Italy? Do you get the Yankee games there or just ESPN?
Phone Booth (2002) 1 hr 21 min
Joel Schumacher
Colin Farrell---Kiefer Sutherland---Forest Whitaker---
Radha Mitchell---Katie Holmes-
If you are looking for a serious heart beater with some bad language this movie is for you. Once it gets going you want to see what's about to happen next.
I will give you two links to this. The 2nd being a better copy of the first one.
If the top movie is not of your liking we have one here that may suit you better.
Doll Face (1945) 1 hr 20 min- Comedy- Music-- Romance
Lewis Seiler
Vivian Blaine---Dennis O'Keefe---Perry Como--
Carmen Miranda---Martha Stewart--
Bonus Movies-
War Of The Worlds (1953) 1hr 25 min--Action--Sci-Fi-- Thriller
Gene Barry---Ann Robinson---Les Tremayne-
The War of the Worlds (1953) Trailer --
Marathon Man (1976)-Crime--Drama--Thriller
Dustin Hoffman---Laurence Olivier---Roy Scheider---William Devane
Marathon Man - Trailer --
Coming Saturday -
Forbidden Planet (1956)
Walter Pidgeon---Anne Francis---Leslie Nielsen---
Jack Kelly---Earl Holliman---Richard Anderson
Forbidden Planet 1956-trailer-
King Kong (1933)-
Fay Wray---Robert Armstrong---Bruce Cabot--
King Kong trailer--
Movie Of The Day (today)
Space Cowboys (2000)-2 hr 10 min-
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood---Tommy Lee Jones---Donald Sutherland---
James Garner---Marcia Gay Harden---James Cromwell
Genre of selected MQ- Drama-Sport. Rating almost 8.0. We have some wonderful actors from yesteryear performing in this classic movie. The top honcho has 2 Academy awards. One nominated 4 times and the other two nominated various times. All have played in different genres of cinema. These top 4 are also known for TV series during their rein. Some with their own shows by name. This movie was produced to give you the inside scoop to this sport and the characters brought into it. Based on the television play of the same name. Actual figures that participated in this sport from the past are shown. Unfortunately none are still alive but come alive in this spectacular movie. Give us all your best shot.
Jefferson Airplane - Somebody To Love (Live at Woodstock Music & Art Fair, 1969)--
The Prime Time of Life: Thursday, June 24, 1965 (what was on network TV 57 years ago tonight)---
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (6/10) Movie CLIP - No Stinking Badges (1948)---
You Try to Contrive a Perfect Alibi, Sir ---
Real 1950s Rock & Roll, Rockabilly dance from lindy hop !--
Bonus Movies --
The Three Faces of Eve (1957) 1 hr 31 min--Drama--Mystery
Nunnally Johnson
Joanne Woodward---David Wayne---Lee J. Cobb-
A doctor treats a woman suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder.
Greenland (2020)- Action--Thriller
Ric Roman Waugh
Gerard Butler---Morena Baccarin---Roger Dale Floyd--
Scott Glenn
A family struggles for survival in the face of a cataclysmic natural disaster.
Genevieve (1953) 1 hr 26 min-- Comedy
Henry Cornelius
Dinah Sheridan---John Gregson---Kay Kendall---Kenneth More
U-571 (2000)-1 hr 56 min--Action--War-
Jonathan Mostow
Matthew McConaughey---Bill Paxton---Harvey Keitel---Jon Bon Jovi---David Keith
A German submarine is boarded by disguised American submariners trying to capture their Enigma cipher machine.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I was disappointed by the Giants game on Thursday. That's twice they've lost to the Cowboys this season. Otherwise we had a good weekend.