Was this an actual dance craze in the 1960s or did we make it up?
Can you tell fad from fiction?

Here's a quiz that is sure to make your brain do the Twist!
The Sixties were the ultimate era for fad dances. Chubby Checker got the decade off to a rockin' start with his smash hit "The Twist" in 1960. More and more dance crazes followed, from the Monkey to the Shake.
The dances had hit singles to help you along.
Let's see if you can remember the TRUE dance crazes of the '60s. Try to spot the ones we made up!
The Watusi
The Mashed Potato
The Tater Tot
The Milk Truck
The Loco-Motion
The Hitch Hike
The Smart Alec
The Jerk
The Frug
The Willy Nilly
The Hully Gully
The Swim
The Neptune
The Bonanza
The Hoss
The Pony
The Aardvark
The Jinkie

Was this an actual dance craze in the 1960s or did we make it up?
Your Result...
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Elvis - The Stare

Sun Record Co. - Logo

Jimi Hendrix - Woodstock

Yes - Yessongs

Elvis - Long Live the King

Elvis - Mugshot

Yes - Logo

The B-52's - Rock Lobster

Eric Clapton - Guitar

Tom Petty - Oh My My

Woodstock - Floral

Elvis - Guitar in Hand

Billy Joel - The Piano Man

Journey - Winged Heart

Tom Petty - Heart Logo

The Who - Bullseye Logo

The Rolling Stones - Mick

Guns N' Roses - AFD '87

14/18 - I wasn't old enuf (MIS-spelling intended) was a wee-tot (but I LOVE tater tots with ketchup :)
with cayenne pepper
with cayenne pepper
(I was only born in 1962!)
You got 18 out of 18
You've got the moves! Way to shimmy and shake right through this!
You got 18 out of 18
You've got the moves! Way to shimmy and shake right through this!
You got 16 out of 18
You've got the moves! Way to shimmy and shake right through this!
Missed #6 and #11
You've got the moves! Way to shimmy and shake right through this!
Missed #6 and #11
18 - 18 ( not an Alice Cooper song )
And as others have posted - MY request is Peter Gunn 10 till 11. AND, 77 Sunset Strip 11 to 12.
And as others have posted - MY request is Peter Gunn 10 till 11. AND, 77 Sunset Strip 11 to 12.