We can determine your birth order based on your thoughts on 'The Brady Bunch'

Are you a middle child like Jan? Let us guess!

Image: Everett Collection

We've guessed your age. We've figured out where you grew up. Now let's guess your birth order!

Are you the eldest, the youngest, or somewhere in between? We bet we can figure it out based on your thoughts about The Brady Bunch.

Don't think we can do it? See for yourself.
  1. Which Brady girl do you personally identify with?
  2. Cousin Oliver... Thoughts?
  3. Which Brady boy do you personally identify with?
  4. Do you think Alice is a better mom than Carol? (Be honest!)
  5. Pick your favorite minor character.
  6. Pick your favorite moment.
  7. Which one of Carol's hairstyles do you like best?
  8. You get asked on a date by your crush, but you already have plans with another person. What do you do?
  9. Do you prefer Mike with straight or curly hair?
  10. If you had to invent a fake boyfriend or girlfriend, what would their name be?

We can determine your birth order based on your thoughts on 'The Brady Bunch'

Your Result...

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Snickers 37 months ago
Said I'm the oldest child. Wrong!
JohnBates 48 months ago
The oldest.(And also the youngest, since I'm an only child.)
TVFF 60 months ago
They got it correct. I'm the youngest (of four), which I hated.
JohnnyBravo1955 62 months ago
Middle child?
I'm an only child, so there's no way I'm a middle child.
In reality, I identify most with the eldest Brady siblings.
remodel18 76 months ago
Wrong, I am not the oldest. I am No. 5 out of 6.
ndebrabant 76 months ago
You're the oldest child
You're perfect. You have it all together. What more can we say? Your siblings look up to you and try to match your level of success. It'll never happen, of course, but it's cute to watch them try.
No, I'm the youngest.
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