Were these old-timey photos used in the Cheers opening credits?

Spot the historical photo that does not belong!

The opening credits of Cheers famously didn't show a single cast member's face. Instead, the series creators decided to show photos and paintings of old-school bar revelry. For this very reason, the Cheers intro credits stand out and still remain a big part of the show's lasting legacy.

It's these photos from the Cheers credits that we want to draw your attention to today. In this quiz, we've mixed in photos actually used in the Cheers opening credits with other historical photos that could just as easily have been used in the intro sequence.

Think you can tell random photos from the real Cheers scenes? See if you can hit 9/12 below. Good luck!
  1. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  2. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  3. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  4. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  5. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  6. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  7. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  8. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  9. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  10. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  11. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?
  12. Was the photo below used in the opening credits of 'Cheers'?

Were these old-timey photos used in the Cheers opening credits?

Your Result...

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CouchPotato987 6 months ago
That was easy, especially for a Cheers fan like myself. Cheers is one of my all-time favorite shows. It’s in my top 3.
Here’s my personal top 5
#5. Miami Vice
#4. I Love Lucy
#3. Sanford and Son
#2. Taxi
#1. Cheers

Runeshaper 67 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Cheers, well done!

Yea, I know my Cheers, just like Cliff
ndebrabant 72 months ago

You got 12 out of 12
Cheers, well done!
EllisClevenger 75 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
Cheers, well done!
Missed #5.
Runeshaper EllisClevenger 67 months ago
#5 was a tricky 1
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